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      How many fertility tests are carried out during the IVF procedure?

      If your age is not more than 35 and you have been trying to conceive for 12 months, then visiting a gynaecologist in Punjab will be a better alternative. According to the fertility experts of the famous IVF centre in Punjab, it is better to approach an obstetrician if they have not been able to […]

      IVF या टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी ट्रीटमेंट कैसे किया जाता है?

      अंडाशय उत्तेजना आपको 8 से 14 दिन के लिए गोंडोट्रोपिन लेना पड़ेगा और यह आपको मासिक धर्म चक्र (menustral cycle) के करीब लेनी है | इस दवाई की मदद से अंडाशय में कई परिपक्व अंडे बनने शुरू हो जाते हैं | जब आप यह दवाएँ ले रही है तो आपको हर 2 या 3 दिन […]

      How much is the total cost to undergo the IVF treatment cycle in Punjab?

      Total cost of IVF treatment cycle in Punjab, India Total cost of IVF treatment cycle in Punjab, India, So, you have consulted your gynaecologist in Punjab and you came to know that you are diagnosed with infertility. Through your gynae suggestion, you have decided to consult the best infertility expert at the IVF centre in […]

      How ICSI, IVF, and IUI are different from each other? Which option is best?

      Overview When you are looking for fertility treatment, it can seem a lot. Your gynecologist in Punjab has told you to undergo fertility treatment for improving the conception chances. Visiting the IVF centre in Punjab for the first time can be stressful as you don’t know what to expect. Ideally, the best treatment options are […]

      Is In Vitro Fertilization treatment possible if my fallopian tubes are blocked?

      In the IVF treatment, the fertility expert will take the eggs of the and sperm from the male partner and fertilize in the lab. After the formation of embryos, doctors will transfer the embryo in the uterus of the woman.

      What are fibroids and how it affects the chances of getting pregnant?

      History of one of our patient Priya was 35 years old when she first came to our IVF centre in Punjab as she was trying to conceive for around 2 years. When they conceived for the first time, the baby did not have a heartbeat, and then she had faced a miscarriage. Her menstrual cycle […]
