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      When is the perfect time to undergo the test tube baby treatment?

      When is the perfect time to undergo the test tube baby treatment?

      When is the perfect time to undergo the test tube baby treatment

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        Perfect time to undergo Test Tube Baby

        Undergoing the treatment at the best IVF centre in Punjab is about preparing for the entire journey. The right time can be calculated by understanding the important factors like the couple’s age, weight, timing, lifestyle preferences, previous record, and you failed during the treatment.

        With each of these factors, it can be easy to know about the success rate.

        Ideally, the age of the woman is the primary factor while undergoing treatment. You need to visit our IVF centre and our fertility expert can suggest what you need to do. The doctor will give you detailed information on how the success chances can be increased.

        The survey has shown that the fertility rate starts declining after the age of 35 and it is important that you consult a fertility expert.

         Procedures included in the IVF or Test Tube Baby treatment

        • Before you prepare yourself for the treatment you need to know more about the way the procedure works. You need to undergo a blood test and this way the hormonal balance will be checked. The woman will be prescribed fertility drugs depending on their body condition.
        • The male partner needs to undergo a sperm test and the sperm motility is checked. In case the sperm count is extremely low then the doctor might suggest you choose a sperm donor to make the treatment successful. Additionally, the woman needs to undergo a long journey and do different tests and observations to see better results.
        • Every month the woman produces eggs in the uterus and the body undergoes the fertility process. The fertility expert is going to check the eggs to make sure they are mature. Once they are matured enough, it will be retrieved from the body with the egg retrieval process. After that, the sperm and egg are kept together in a controlled environment which results in embryo development.
        • Once the embryo is developed it will be transferred back to the women’s reproductive tract. After that, the women need to wait for 2 weeks to check for the results of pregnancy. During this 2 week wait, the fertility expert is going to keep a close look at your health to make sure there is no problem.

         Contact the best fertility expert

        The test tube baby treatment is a long process but with the help of the best fertility expert, the entire process can be completed with ease. The doctor is going to diagnose your condition to know about the reason for infertility. This way the treatment plan is customized which makes it easier to increase the chances of conception.

