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      When should a woman visit a gynecologist or an obstetrician?

      When should a woman visit a gynecologist or an obstetrician?


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        Women go through several problems during their life period. These problems may be related to the crooked menstrual cycle or menopause, Infertility, Pre, and postnatal complications. But as long as the women are facing these problems, a gynaecologist in Punjab is there to help with numerous precautionary measures and treatment. In the cases of infertility, couples are usually referred to an IVF centre in Punjab


        • In what cases the consultation with the obstetrician or gynecologist is mandatory?

        Subsequent are the symptoms or cases in which a woman is ought to consult a gynecologist:

        • If the crooked menstrual cycle is emerging over and over again, then it is the indication that a gynecologist is to be consulted.
        • If a woman has an obstruction in the ovaries then she should consult her gynecologists first before concluding to take up the surgical procedure.
        • If you have gone through several miscarriages and you are still trying to conceive, then deliberation with gynecologists is of utmost significance.
        • If you are facing any sort of sexual issues, your gynecologist is the one with whom you can have a dialogue and resolve your problem.
        • If you are pregnant, then regular visits to gynecologists are suggested.
        • If you are going through an unwanted pregnancy, then do not conclude to have the baby terminated at the instance you discover the pregnancy. It is advised to deliberate with your gynecologist and then concludes anything.
        • What are the variegated services and facilities offered by the obstetrician or gynecologists?

         There are various services and facilities offered by the gynecologist or obstetrician depending upon your problem. Subsequent is the mentioning of some of them:

        • It is usually a case that women experience high-risk-pregnancy. In those cases, the obstetrician needs to carry out the painless delivery. This is the most wanted facility for the woman which is provided by the obstetricians.
        • When it is the concern about carrying out the normal delivery, the accountability of the obstetrician increases to a high extent.
        • The obstetrician or gynecologist takes care of each aspect that could trouble the woman. Bearing in mind, the obstetrician or gynecologist provides the facility of incorporation of the labor room, delivery room, and postpartum room in the same zone or area. Some hospitals or units have more advanced facilities. The room in which the woman is made to stay after the delivery is known as the delivery suite.
        • The obstetrician or gynecologist is trained for carrying out laparoscopic surgeries. It is considered a convenient surgery as it is not that invasive. In it, small incisions are made to have access to the abdomen.
        • The obstetrician also suggests undergoing tubectomy in certain cases. In it, the fallopian tubes are obstructed. The obstruction of fallopian tubes prevents the reach of the egg to the uterus for implantation.