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      Who are the top celebrities who have undergone IVF treatment in India?

      Who are the top celebrities who have undergone IVF treatment in India?

      IVF treatment

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        IVF has been a boon for many patients to conceive despite all the odds. With this treatment approach, the couples can get pregnant with ease as the fertility issue is addressed. During the treatment at the IVF centre in Punjab, the eggs and sperm are fertilized together in a controlled environment. This process results in fertilization and then embryos are formed.

        If you are trying to conceive for a long time but having issues, then you should seek assistance from the gynecologist in Punjab as they will let you know what needs to be done. The doctor will strategize the treatment plan for you and this helps in improving your conception chances.

        Well! This treatment approach has even helped celebrities to start their own family. In this blog, we are going to talk you through some of the celebrities who have undergone IVF treatment:

        Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan

        There have been rumors around the air that King Khan and his wife Gauri have also opted for the treatment. The couple opted for IVF surrogacy. With the treatment, they became the parents of an adorable baby.

        The couple said that ‘We have been blessed with a healthy and beautiful baby. He has been a few months before but finally we are happy that he is home with us.’

        Farah Khan – Shirish Kunder

        Well! This list includes the ace choreographer and director Farah Khan and Shirish Kundra. The couple decided to choose this at the age of 43. The couple got married in the early 40s and when they tried to conceive they had an issue. Eventually, with the fertility expert advice, they opted for IVF treatment. The couple was blessed with Triplets on 11th Feb 2008. Some speculate that she opted for Ivf with donor eggs.

        It is true that with an increase in age the quality of eggs starts declining and it is one of the major reasons behind infertility.

        She added that ‘IVF has been a ray of hope for them and it has changed their life for the better. I would even suggest that other couples choose the treatment to improve their conception chances. There is no other better treatment out there. I have been blessed with 3 beautiful angels, what more I could ask for.’

        Aamir Khan

        Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao have also opted for the IVF treatment. Their decision has indeed been applauded by many. The couple has been blessed with a beautiful baby boy in 2011.

        Tusshar Kapoor

        Tusshar Kapoor has become a single father by opting for IVF treatment. The baby’s health has been excellent. Choosing this option to become a parent has changed his life for the better. He said that ‘He has been extremely happy and blessed with the arrival of the little one’.

        Well! The list goes on and on, and many other celebrities have selected this path to plan their family. Losing hope is not what you need to do. Book your initial consultation at the earliest.
