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      9 things you should know about the relation between PCOS and Infertility

      9 things you should know about the relation between PCOS and Infertility

      PCOS and Infertility What do you need to know

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        PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)

        PCOS is one of the common conditions that lead to female infertility. No doubt, it’s one of the common conditions diagnosed among women in their young or adult phase. So, if your menstrual cycle is not regular or you are having difficulties with it, then schedule your initial consultation with one of the best gynae doctor in Punjab. The blog will highlight the 9 essential things about PCOS.

        What is PCOS?

        PCOS is the condition when a woman has several symptoms resulting in hormonal imbalance. The hormonal imbalance is likely to affect the women’s ability to produce quality eggs or have difficulty with ovulation. You should seek assistance from a medical expert for PCOS Treatment in Bathinda and know how to manage it.

        How does PCOS affect ovulation?

        Each month, one follicle grows in ovaries, matures, and is released during ovulation. Due to PCOS, the egg won’t release and be in an enlarged state. With time. It becomes a fluid-filled cyst and becomes small cysts filled with ovaries.

        What is the reason for PCOS?

        Well, the cause of PCOS is not known. But there are a few risk factors that increase the risk of PCOS:

        • Diabetes
        • Family history of PCOS
        • Obesity

        What are the symptoms of PCOS?

        Most women often ask, ‘How do I know if I have PCOS?’ Well, here are some of the signs that point towards the same:

        • Irregular menstrual cycle, very heavy periods, or no period at all
        • A high level of androgens leads to excess body or facial hair
        • Infertility
        • Weight gain
        • Pelvic pain
        • Oily skin and acne

        Are there any health risks associated with PCOS?

        Infertility is one of the significant risk factors for PCOS. And apart from that, there are several factors like:

        • Mood disorders
        • Obesity
        • Heart disease & high blood pressure
        • Type 2 diabetes
        • Endometrial hyperplasia
        • Heart disease

        Is there a cure for PCOS?

        There’s no cure for PCOS which means it won’t go away on its own. With PCOS, the risk factors that come along are always there. So, make sure to take the best care of yourself and seek medical assistance.

        How to diagnose PCOS?

        The doctor will perform a thorough evaluation to rule out the cause of PCOS. And some of the imperative ways to diagnose PCOS are:

        • Doctor checks medical history
        • Do physical examination
        • Take blood samples to check androgen, cholesterol, and sugar level
        • Perform ultrasound and pelvic examination
        • The factor of age is important

        How to treat PCOS?

        The treatment for PCOS depends on different factors like age, overall well-being, and several other things. Some of the helpful options in this situation are:

        • Making lifestyle changes – Controlling weight, following healthy eating habits, and cutting back on unhealthy life practices.
        • Hormone therapy
        • Medications for ovulation
        • Antiandrogens

        Can I get pregnant if I have PCOS?

        YES! Sometimes following all the necessary changes helps with conception and sometimes infertility treatment like IVF allows the women to get pregnant. 

        Do you have any doubts?

        Schedule your initial consultation at Gem Hospital & IVF centre to get better information about everything.
