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      Azoospermia: What are the causes of no sperm and what are its sign?

      Azoospermia: What are the causes of no sperm and what are its sign?

      Azoospermia treatment in In punjab

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        Azoospermia: No sperm in the semen

        For a successful pregnancy, sperm and egg have to meet which forms a healthy embryo. But, in some cases, the man has a condition of no sperm in the semen. In medical terms, this condition is known as azoospermia. In the best IVF centre in Punjab, around 1% of all men and 15% of infertile men, have this condition. Although, in this case, no symptoms are noticed till the time you are planning to conceive. If you are struggling to conceive, then you should schedule your initial appointment at the best fertility clinic in Bathinda.

        What are the causes of no sperm in semen?

        In some cases, the testicles are not able to keep the sperm or it will stop it from coming out of the body so that it can meet the egg. The problem is classified into 3 types:

        • Pretesticular azoospermia

        There is no problem with the testicles but the body is unable to make sperm. The problem happens when hormone levels are low or you have undergone the chemo session. Although, this condition is rare.

        • esticular azoospermia

        Testicles are damaged that which makes it difficult to make the sperm. This problem is likely to happen when:

        • Infections in the reproductive tract such as urethritis and epididymitis.
        • Groin injury
        • Genetic conditions like Klinefelter’s syndrome
        • Cancer treatment or undergoing radiation therapy
        • Childhood problem like viral orchitis which leads to swelling in the testicles in one or both of the testicles.
        • Post-testcular azzopsermia

        Testicle production is like normal but they are not able to come out which can be due to:

        • Vasectomy
        • Retrograde ejaculation when semen goes into the bladder and it is not able to come out.
        • Tube blockage carries the sperm from the testicle to the penis and in medical terms, it is referred to as obstructive azoospermia.

        What are the signs which tell that you have azoospermia?

        If you have been trying to conceive for a long time, but encountering problems, then you need to doctor assistance. Here is the process which will make it easier to diagnose your condition:

        • In the first place, you need to give the semen sample and that will be sent to the lab. If the test results show there is no sperm in the semen on being checked for 2 different occasions then it means that you have azoospermia.
        • In addition, the doctor will check what is the reason for the current situation, and then further physical examination is done. In addition, the hormonal levels are also checked.
        • If hormones are okay then scrotal or transrectal ultrasound is done which helps to check the obstruction. Additionally, MRI is done to better understand the obstruction.

        What are the possible treatment options?

        Few treatment options are there who are patients diagnosed with azoospermia.

        • Surgery

        For say, the issue is obstructive type then surgery is suggested

        • Sperm retrieval

        Sperm retrieval is the best choice when there the patient has non-obstructive azoospermia. In addition, those who don’t want to consider the option of surgery.

        Following the sperm retrieval, the doctor can suggest the option of IVF which improves the odds of pregnancy as the technology is highly advanced.

        If you are having a problem and don’t understand what to do, then you should schedule your initial consultation with our fertility expert.
