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      Can stress be the triggering factor for infertility? What to do?

      Can stress be the triggering factor for infertility? What to do?


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        Managing stress levels is a must

        Stress is one of the most common parts of our daily lives. At times, the stress levels or situations are easily manageable. But, at times, it gets challenging to manage the same, which often affects daily life. Under this state, it’s essential to take the best care of yourself.

        Are you thinking, ‘What if I don’t take care of myself?’ If your stress levels keep on getting higher with time, the factor of infertility is triggered. If you are trying to conceive and presently under the influence of stress, then it can be problematic for you. So, suppose your daily life is way too hectic and making your stress levels go higher every time. In that case, you need to get hold of the fertility doctor at one of the Best IVF Centre in Bathinda to enlighten yourself with what’s wrong and how this entire situation is easily manageable.

        Stress and Infertility: What’s the connection?

        When trying to conceive, you need to be sure that you take care of yourself. Extreme levels of stress are neither good for you nor your little one. No doubt, not as much research is done to understand the relationship between stress and fertility, but as much as it’s done, it does show that fertility is impaired with higher stress levels.

        Stress couples and individuals are not able to enjoy their personal space. Moreover, the sex drive is declined, and it’s difficult for the couple to participate in any sexual activity. As the hormones are not balanced in the body, there’s a high possibility ovulation is affected, the menstrual cycle is not balanced, and embryo implantation in the uterus will decline to a great extent.

        Don’t let unhealthy habits follow you

        Stress is one thing, but along with that, if your lifestyle habits are not right, like:

        • Smoking
        • Drinking
        • Not getting enough sleep
        • Improper diet

        All the above factors make it difficult for the body to take care of itself. So, you have to always take care of yourself whether you are trying to conceive on your own or through infertility treatment at one of the known IVF Centre in Punjab.

        What are the top ways to deal with stress to safeguard fertility?

        Here are some of the important tips that are worth considering:

        • You should practice yoga and meditate every day to keep stress levels.
        • Always get enough sleep daily because if you don’t, then there will be problems.
        • A healthy diet is important because good food intake keeps your happy hormones fluttering in the body.
        • You should not smoke or drink as it does impair reproductive health and is often one of the reasons behind infertility. It’s better to keep a check on the alcohol intake.