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      Can your baby be nourished in another woman’s womb? How is it possible?

      Can your baby be nourished in another woman’s womb? How is it possible?

      Different Fertility Treatment Options

        Quick Inquiry

        According to the experts of the IVF Centre in Punjab, “Surrogacy is one of the assisted reproductive techniques. Those couples in which the female partner is not able to nourish the baby in her womb go for the surrogacy technique. This technique allows the couples to have a baby by being the biological parents of the same. But the baby will be nourished in the womb of some other women.”

        Are you willing to opt for surrogacy?

        Sometimes it is not reproductive in capabilities that are forcing the women to go for surrogacy. It can also be the personal will of the women to go for surrogacy. Today is a modern era and women are very much conscious about the way they look. So once in a while, it does happen that the owner wants to have the baby and does not want to compromise with the appearance. In that case, she usually goes for surrogacy.

        If you are also willing to take up the surrogacy method to have the baby, then do not think twice and visit Gem Hospital and IVF Centre which is recognized as one of the best infertility clinics in Bathinda as it provides its patients with the cost-effective and result-oriented procedure.

        How exactly does surrogacy work?

        Gestational surrogacy is particularly for those who are finding it difficult to have the baby through the natural process. This process does not merely require medical expertise. Apart from that, it needs legal expertise as well.

        The first step of the procedure requires the fertilization of the embryo’s development-oriented elements with the help of the IVF technique.

        Note: Every so often it may happen that either the embryo or the sperms are not having the required traits for the embryo development. In that case, either the egg or the sperm donor will be sought.

        Did you know?

        The surrogate mothers do not have any kind of genetic relationship to the children they nourish in their womb.

        Why do people choose surrogacy?

        It is the surrogacy technique alone that helps people of various backgrounds, sexual orientations and ages to grow their families by welcoming a new member in their families.

        Following kinds of couples or mating parents usually use the surrogacy technique:

        • Heterosexual couples who are facing the infertility issues
        • The mother who cannot nourish a baby in her womb
        • The parents who are having a certain defect in their genes or there is a certain health condition which they do not want their child to suffer from
        • Same-sex couples who emotionally want to establish a genetic link to the babies

        How much does a surrogate mother charge?

        The total amount which needs to be paid to the surrogate mother depends upon the following predominant factors:

        • Where does she live?
        • If she is having some kind of insurance or not?
        • Is he going to be a surrogate mother for the first time or not?

        Final Comments!

        Surrogacy has emerged as a boon for many mothers who were finding it difficult to nourish the baby in their womb because of any kind of reason. The advancements in medical science have made it possible for couples to be parents despite so many issues, by hook or by crook.
