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      Decoding Menstrual Shame and Taboos With Real Case

      Decoding Menstrual Shame and Taboos With Real Case

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        Menstruation is a natural biological process. Commonly experienced by girls and women in their reproductive age. However, the symbolism and traditions around this repeating natural occurrence differ in every country. In certain cases, it is socially invisible, wrapped in privacy and mostly hidden. But if you or your daughter is going through this phase, then do not neglect to consult with the Best gynae in Punjab for proper knowledge and treatment. 


        Related to Daily Religious Practices

        In many countries, menstruation is closely related to daily religious practices. Menstruation is becoming stigmatised. Numerous religions support distinctions associated with it; despite this, Purity, hygiene, and appropriateness are crucial. Menstruation is widely considered to be taboo. In many cases, girls lost their lives because of menstruation. Menstruation during pregnancy leads to constipation, too, and it has adverse effects on pregnancy.


        Chhaupadi Tradition

        The Chhaupadi ritual is popular in Nepal’s mid western region. It exemplifies the negative effect of menstruation stigma. Chhaupadi is founded on the concept of purity and contamination. It underpins the caste system, including gender relations. According to traditional beliefs, women during menstruation are considered as polluted, impure and untouchable. 


        Real Event 

        A 15-year-old named Roshani Tiruwa died in Nepal’s menstrual hut in 2016. She was a resident of Achcham district. She died from suffocating after the hut caught fire. Dambara Upadhyay, another girl, died for the same reason. There are numerous similar cases in which girls have died from snake bites, wild animal attacks and other unknown causes. Girls have to face sexual abuse. 

        The Supreme Court of Nepal outlawed the Chhaupadi system in 2005 from Nepal’s region. The Ministry of Women, Child and other welfare organisations requested the government to completely outlaw the Chhaupadi from Nepal. According to the UN reports, 95% of women undergo the Chhaupadi system in the Achham District of Nepal. However, due to constant changes in traditional and legal guidelines, Chhaupadi system rituals are almost aborted. Menstruation is among the reasons why women are too shy to consult with the Best gynae in Punjab


        Effects of Menstrual Stigma

        Is it worth mentioning that cultural beliefs and behaviours regarding menstruation vary across Nepal? However, a 2009 WaterAid study in Nepal’s central and eastern regions, involving 204 adolescent girls in both urban and rural settings, found that approximately 89% of survey respondents practised some form of menstrual restriction or exclusion, with abstaining from religious activities being the most prevalent. 


        Promoting Menstrual Hygiene 

        Addressing menstrual stigma is crucial. However, it should be equipped with basic infrastructure to properly address the menstruation problem. However, it should be combined with the provision of basic infrastructure and services to help women and girls manage their monthly periods. According to estimates, just 45% of schools in least developed and low-income nations have adequate restrooms. In Nepal, just 36% of schools have separate toilets for girls. As a result, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene solutions should include separate toilets with door locks, running water, soaps, disposable sanitary pads, and waste management.

        Thanks to all NGOs and other movement initiatives which are taken by people and Government to abolish the illegal and life threatening ritual associated with Menstruation. Aware your daughter and other children nearby about menstruation and prevention for better information and diagnosis book your consultation today with our Best gynae in Punjab at Gem Hospital & IVF Centre.
