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      Guide to – Infertility Diagnosis, Major Causes and treatment procedures

      Guide to – Infertility Diagnosis, Major Causes and treatment procedures

      Guide to - Infertility, Diagnosis, Major Causes and treatment procedures

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        We are not unconscious of the fact that infertility cases are rising at a fast rate. So you can determine yourself after trying for one year to conceive, if you are still not able to conceive then, according to a senior gynaecologist in Punjab, it is an indication that you are oppressed with infertility. For the treatment of infertility, all the couples approach an IVF Centre in Punjab and go home with contented and gratifying results.

        When should you think of visiting a gynaecologist?

        You are advised to visit a gynaecologist in the following cases:

        • If the menstrual periods are significantly irregular.
        • If the age of the woman is more than 35 years old.
        • If a woman has ever suffered from pelvic infections.
        • If the woman has ever encountered any kind of sexually transmitted disease.
        • Sometimes, the main cause for the woman not being able to get pregnant is the abnormality of the reproductive system which comes into existence in the form of endometriosis and uterine fibroids.
        • If the semen of the male has been observed having some abnormalities.

        How does fertility examination is taken into account?

        When a woman visits the gynaecologist, several tests are performed on the couple to detect the main cause of infertility which are as follow:

        • Physical examination

        Sometimes the vagina is afflicted with some sort of infections which can be detected merely by examining the vagina.

        • Ultrasound

        Transvaginal ultrasound helps to detect if any organ of the reproductive system is seen to be having some kind of abnormality or not. Even endometriosis and uterine fibroids can only be detected by ultrasound.

        • Blood tests

        Blood tests are also crucial to determine whether the blood is having the appropriate amount of the FSH and TSH.

        • Semen analysis

        As we know, a semen analysis is the main factor that can detect infertility among males. So talking into account the variegated aspects of the semen, one can reach the final cause of infertility.

        What are the main causes of infertility?

        Following are the main cause of infertility:

        • Age

        Initially, the women used to get pregnant in their teenage or while in their twenties. But nowadays, women are preferring to cause a delay in their conception since their career-orientation. Getting pregnant after a woman has crossed 30 years of age is full of complications.

        • Ovulation disorders

        If the ovulation cycle of the woman keeps on getting interrupted, then it isis harming her fertility.

        • Tubal blockage

        Sometimes the fallopian tubes of the women get blocked which prevents the egg from fertilising with the sperm.

        Which are the variegated treatment options to treat infertility?

        Following treatment options treat infertility:

        • Fertility drugs or medications
        • In-Vitro-Fertilisation
        • Intrauterine sperm injection


        There are majorly three kinds of procedures that are used to carry out the conception through and these are – Manual fertilisation of the egg, Third-party reproduction and Surrogacy. So if you want to take up the effective IVF treatment, then book your consultation with us right away.
