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      Important tips for a successful pregnancy and improving the child’s health

      Important tips for a successful pregnancy and improving the child’s health

      Tips for Healthy Pregnancy

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        So, you finally got a positive test after undergoing the IVF treatment. No doubt, it has been a struggle but in the end, it’s all worth it. For every woman, pregnancy is the most exciting and happiest phase of her life. The joy of holding a newborn baby is unmatchable and unexplainable. But, yes you might be feeling nervous and wondering what all you need to do to make this pregnancy phase go smoothly.

        First of all, it is very important to stay relaxed and strong. During pregnancy, healthy women mean a healthy child.

        Important tips suggested by the fertility doctor for a successful pregnancy.

        • Nutritious and Balanced Diet

        During pregnancy, you need to eat healthy. No doubt, you might cravings but you need to make sure to eat the right food and in the right amount. If you are having twins or triplets that does not mean you have to eat all day long. Too much weight gain can also lead to health issues. Moreover, losing weight can be a problem after delivery.

        Normally, the weight gain can be around 11 to 16 Kg under pregnancy. In the 3 rd trimester, the women’s body needs an additional 20 calories every day. Not more than this is needed until the delivery. Here are some of the food options which you should include for a healthy pregnancy:

        • Pregnant women should have 2 glasses of milk every day.

        • Consume fresh fruits & vegetables.

        • Increase fiber intake with wholegrain bread.

        • Increase protein intake like chicken, fish, and meat.

        • Increase daily intake of water.

        • Include starch-based food like rice, potato, bread, and cereals.

        • Intake of dairy products like cheese and yogurt.

        Including these food items from the beginning is very essential for you and your baby’s health.

        • Avoid certain food products

        Well, there are certain food items which pregnant women need to stay away from:

        • Avoid consuming fried food as they increase the fat content in the body which is not safe during pregnancy.

        • Your diet should have a small amount of Vitamin A. But, if you consume it in excess then it can affect the health of the unborn baby.

        • Avoid the excessive consumption of coffee, chocolate, cool drinks, and other drinks as they might increase the risk of miscarriage and affect the baby’s weight.

        • Toxoplasmosis and Listeria are forms of bacteria and they can create issues during pregnancy. These bacteria can lead to the risk of infection in the baby after birth or miscarriage. Additionally, the newborn baby can have abnormalities. It is present in raw meat, raw egg, mousse, and mayonnaise. So, make sure during pregnancy you avoid the consumption of these food products. If you have any doubts or concerns then talk to your doctor right away.
