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      Infertility treatment: Diagnosis and treatment for female infertility

      Infertility treatment: Diagnosis and treatment for female infertility

      Best Methods Of Female Infertility

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        Infertility & Its Increasing rate

        Infertility is one of the common scenarios where a couple face problems conceiving. Be it male or female partners; both can have infertility. Although, in this blog, I am going to talk about female infertility diagnosis and treatment. So, if you have been struggling to get pregnant for the last six months to 1 year, then you need medical assistance from one of the best IVF doctor in Bathinda. Moreover, with increasing age, there’s the problem of female infertility.

        Common causes of female infertility

        Some of the major causes of female infertility are mentioned below, which requires you to visit one of the best IVF centre in Punjab. Some of the known causes are:

        • Fallopian tube damage due to endometriosis, pelvic infection, and pelvic surgery
        • Improper hormonal changes that affect the ovary and endometrium lining
        • The cervical problem that makes it difficult for the sperm to pass through the cervical canal
        • Reproductive abnormalities increase the reproductive hormone fluctuations. Moreover, there are pregnancy complications
        • Endometriosis
        • Uterine fibroids lead to heavy bleeding, painful sex, frequent urination, and infertility
        • PCOS
        • Unexplained reasons

        At Gem Hospital & IVF Centre, our experienced and board-certified fertility expert will give you a personalized Female Infertility Treatment In Bathinda so your chances of conception increase.

        How to diagnose female infertility?

        There are several diagnostic tests to point out the exact problem. Depending on your condition, the doctor will tell you better how to proceed. Some of the most effective diagnostic tests are:

        • Blood test to check the hormone level, cystic problem, and cystic ovaries
        • Laparoscopy is used for abnormal growth, fallopian tube, and ovaries diagnosis and treatment
        • Hysterosalpingography (HSG) to check the blockage in the fallopian tube

        Once the test results are known, the doctor will tell you condition you have. Doing so makes it easier to understand which treatment plan would improve your condition and improve your chances of conception.

        Treatment of female infertility

        The world of medical science has transformed a lot and something for the better. Based on diagnosis, the infertility doctor will tell you what’s best for you and how your condition can get better under control. It’s the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) that’s best known for combining different options like hormonal therapy and fertility drugs. The possible female infertility treatment options are:

        • IVF (In-Vitro-fertilization) with an improved chance of conception. It’s one of the best infertility problems that work best for different situations.
        • Medical therapy gonadotropins for unexplained infertility.
        • Intrauterine insemination It’s a fairly simple and effective procedure.

        Apart from these, there are egg donation and other fertility treatment options that increase your chances of conception.


