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      Why Is IVF Counseling Important For The Infertile Couple Before The Treatment?

      Why Is IVF Counseling Important For The Infertile Couple Before The Treatment?

      Overview of IVF counseling Punjab

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        When you visit the best Gynaecologist in Bathinda pre-treatment counseling is an important part of treatment. The counseling sessions are given according to the ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) laws. Every couple and individual before the treatment will undergo at least one session of counseling.

        Who needs to get IVF counseling?

        All the couples need to get the counseling before, during, and after the IVF treatment or any other ART. It has helped many couples greatly whether they are undergoing the treatment, those with unsuccessful results and those who have successful results.

        Counseling helps the couple to go through the treatment with ease and manage all the emotions correctly. The procedure can feel exciting too because it is a ray of hope that you are going to welcome a newborn in your life.

        On the other hand, there can be nervousness, fear, and anxiety. With counseling, it can help the couple to stay focused throughout the treatment.

        What are the expected results?

        During the IVF counseling, here’s what you can expect:

        • Proper understanding of the treatment

        The most essential step of IVF counseling is to make the couple and partners understand what type of implications and effect the treatment will have. This way, it helps them mentally as well as physically.

        • Unsuccessful treatment

        Patients need to understand that sometimes the first cycle will not be successful. This can happen due to age, or due to reason of infertility. Failed IVF cycles can lead to hurt, pain, frustration, depression, and hopelessness. With counseling, it can help to sort these feelings and assist them to plan everything properly.

        • Successful treatment

        Someone with unsuccessful results is recommended to take a break for a few months and then start the process again. This way helps to deal with stress and again starts the procedure with ease. Additionally, improvements and efforts will be made to improve the success chances.

        • Handling mixed reactions

        In most cases, it is seen that at times people react differently because the people around them are not supportive. No doubt, there will be people who are supportive throughout the treatment. IVF counseling will help you deal with such reactions in a proper manner.

        • Miscarriage or pregnancy loss

        There are some cases, which end up with miscarriage. At times, this can happen due to negligence or certain complications. This is another scenario the patient needs to be prepared for and this is where counseling can help a lot.

        • Get an understanding of other options

        With counseling, the couple gets to know about the available options which can improve the success chances. The couple will get to know about egg freezing, sperm donation, or embryo freezing.

        For every couple or individual undergoing fertility treatment, the counseling session is needed. In case, you are planning to get the treatment then make sure to talk with your doctor about the IVF counseling.
