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      How does IVF procedure help in infertility issues?

      How does IVF procedure help in infertility issues?

      Undergoing the treatment of IVF - Gem Hospital and IVF centre

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        Giving birth to a newborn is the best feeling in the world. It might be possible that due to some health issues you are not able to conceive naturally. In that case, the IVF procedure is the best option available if the person is dealing with infertility problems. In case you are planning to bring a new life into the world and you have decided to choose the fertility treatment, the term will be the same. This is the reason, the demand for treatment of test tube baby centre in Punjab is increasing gradually.

        Starting days of the Procedure

        The first baby was conceived in 1978. After that, it has been seen that more couples are opting for the procedure of IVF. With time the procedure has become more efficient and better. It was a matter of time that IVF procedure has become very popular and with time this procedure is accepted by society.

        Since the IVF procedure was introduced, the success rate for this procedure has increased. In this procedure, the egg freezing option has been included. The process of implantation and fertilization has been extended. This choice has become a fantastic choice for individuals. Nowadays, the IVF procedure has developed a lot and it also includes:

        • An opportunity to have a test that tells about the genetic abnormalities before implantation.
        • The egg is not able to reach the uterus.
        • The sperm are not able Difficulties of the sperm to reach the egg.

        Procedure of IVF

        • In the procedure of IVF, the medications are given to the women for stimulating the ovaries. This way it will help to increase the egg quantity. In the natural monthly cycle, only a single egg is released.
        • Once the egg starts getting mature they will be collected with the surgical procedure by the fertility doctor. The patient is given anesthesia in the treatment and the patient needs to stay overnight in the hospital. The mature eggs will be taken to the lab for further processing.
        • In the lab, the sperm and egg will be put together for 18 to 24 hours. The entire time, the procedure will be monitored carefully to ensure everything is going smoothly.
        • This will result in embryo production which is then transferred back to the woman’s reproductive system. Following that after 2 weeks, the test will be done to check whether the women have conceived or not.

        Throughout the procedure, the doctor will monitor your health very carefully to make sure that your body is responding to the treatment.


        The IVF procedure is very helpful for the couple who are dealing with different infertility issues. This procedure has helped many couples to conceive successfully.

        If you want more information then you should seek the help of our fertility doctor to know more about the procedure in detail.
