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      TESE and ICSI: All That You Need To Know About The Male Infertility Treatment

      TESE and ICSI: All That You Need To Know About The Male Infertility Treatment

      Top facts about ICSI procedure

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        Male infertility is not such an unknown problem, there are many men who suffer from it, and with technological advancement, the medical field has found many solutions which are safe and more effective. People wanted to choose the correct option to treat their infertility condition to achieve a positive outcome. At the IVF Centre in Punjab, you can learn more about the possibilities based on your conditions. The only way to determine the procedure is by diagnosing the real cause of infertility in males.

        Some of the accuses of male infertility include:

        It could be very stressful and frustrating not to be able to conceive a child biologically. But there is nothing to worry about anymore; there are many options available for the male partner to choose including TESE and ICSI. IVF and many more- based on which one you would select, the Test tube baby cost would fluctuate. 

        What Is TESE?

        Testicular Epididymal Sperm Extraction (TESE) is a procedure in which the doctor obtains a tiny piece of testicular tissues and then retrieves some sperm from them to create an embryo. Men who do not have an adequate amount of sperm in their semen at the time of ejaculation may find some amount of sperm within the testicles. With the help of ICSI, it can be used to make a baby. The sperms which are extracted from the testicles could be used efficiently for fertilization with the egg in the lab. Most of the time, the sperm taken is low, which is why TESE is often combined with ICSI. This technique helps increase the success rate of ICSI treatment for male infertility. 

        What is ICSI?

        Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a revolutionary way of Male infertility treatment. With the help of ICSI, you could increase the chance of fertilization when there is no hope left and the fertilization rate is lower than what is expected. The sperm attaches itself to the embryo after intercourse in a normal or biological process. It then proceeds to push through the egg’s outer layer to reach the cytoplasm. In the procedure of ICSI, the doctor injects a single sperm into the mature eggs directly. This process helps ensure that fertilization takes place. ICSI is a common technique used for male infertility and can overcome abnormal sperm characteristics. It is also performed on men who do not produce sperms while jaculating; with the help of TESE, the doctor would perform successful surgery by collecting it. 

        What Are The Risks Of ICSI?

        The most significant risk of ICSI is always associated with birth defects. The real reason for birth defects has not yet been determined, whether caused by ICSI procedure or inherited sperm defects. There are also some controversial aspects of ICSI and the motor and intellectual development of the child. But these claims have not been supported by any studies; there is no clear evidence of a difference in birth defects found in ICSI, IVF, Conventional pregnancy, or natural.
