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      When is the appropriate time to visit the Gynaecologist to get a check-up?

      When is the appropriate time to visit the Gynaecologist to get a check-up?

      Right time to visit the gynecologist Bathinda

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        Gem Hospital and IVF centre Punjab: A gynecologist is a specialist who treats certain reproductive tract or sexual health problems in women. If you are suffering from any type of problem or want to get treatment as soon as possible, then you need to find the best Gynaecologist in Bathinda immediately.

        Well, it is too difficult for a young lady to discuss sexual health problems with anyone not even with her mother. In this case, you need to talk to her and make a comfortable environment for her, so that she can talk to you freely about her problems.

        When is the right time to visit the Gynaecologist?

        According to The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, you need to visit the gynecologist between the ages of 13 to 16. Here are certain reasons why this is necessary-:

        • As they start menstruating at this age, and at this age, they start asking certain questions about their body change. But their parents are unable to answer all the questions. In this case, they need to bring their daughter to a gynecologist.
        • If young ladies are suffering from severe menstrual cramps or pain.
        • If you find your daughter is thinking about having sex all the time.

        When you visit the doctor, you must ask certain questions about sexual health.

        Do you recommend abstinence?

        Yes, it is recommended for all the unmarried young ladies to avoid engaging in sexual activities. This is the best way to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and other sexual health problems.

        What to expect by parents their daughter to experience during a visit to a specialist?

        Well, this depends on the type of exam or test-:

        • First of all, you need to know whether your daughter is sexually active or not.
        • If she is not active, then the specialist asks her about her menstrual cycle and her physical health too. In this type of consultation, no vaginal exam is necessary.

        In case, a teenager is sexually active and then a specialist suggests her certain ways to reduce the risk of having sexually transmitted infection (STI).

        What parents do to make their daughters comfortable?

        • You have to talk to your daughter and ensure that you are her friend. So, she can talk to you freely.
        • You must try to read her mind, and what she thinks about sexual health and life as well.
        • If you are still unable to talk to her, then you must bring her to the gynecologist, because he serves as an intermediary between you and your daughter.