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      What are the factors to increase the chances of pregnancy after IUI?

      What are the factors to increase the chances of pregnancy after IUI?

      How To Increase Chances Of IUI

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        IUI Treatment for Infertile patients

        IUI stands for Intrauterine Insemination, that’s one of the common and effective methods of assisted reproductive technology. During IUI, the healthy sperm samples are washed then transferred to women’s reproductive tract. When you consult one of the best gynae doctor in Punjab, she will check your overall health and let you know whether the condition works best for you and to get everything done after the treatment. It’s essential to follow everything after the procedure correctly and take the best care of yourself. You mustn’t neglect 14 days after undergoing the IUI treatment.

        Tips to increase chances of pregnancy after IUI

        When you consult the fertility expert at one of the best IUI Centre in Bathinda, you are suggested the essential tips and tricks to make your pregnancy journey go all smoothly. Here are the tips that you need to follow:

        Tip 1: What to eat after IUI treatment to increase pregnancy chances?

        Following a balanced diet increases chances of implantation. Make sure to eat all healthy and fresh vegetables, nuts, oats, protein, healthy fats, whole grains, and brown rice. You should consume at least 3 liters of water daily. When you visit the  IVF centre in Punjab, you are told about everything, and if there’s any doubt, you ask the doctor what to do.

        Tip 2: What to avoid after IUI treatment?

        Do not eat spicy and processed food along with alcoholic drinks, sugary beverages, and fish. It would help if you did not have the food options like pineapple and papaya, as these make the blood thin and increase the chances of affecting the endometrial layer.

        Tip 3: Exercise regime after IUI

        After IUI treatment, you should not just stay in bed all the time as it would not help you. Instead, it would help if you made the routine to exercise for 1 hour a day. Apart from that, you need to follow an exercise regime like yoga, biking, walking, and light aerobics. Do not mistake including a strenuous workout regime or activity that puts your body under stress.

        Tip 4: Sleep properly on time

        You need to follow a proper sleeping regime and make sure to get at least 8 hours. Doing so helps to ensure that your overall health stays balanced.

        Tip 5: Do not take excess stress

        Do not take excess stress as it affects IUI success. Moreover, it reduces the chances of embryo implantation and hormones and blood circulation won’t be in a balanced state. You need to include options like yoga, breathing exercise, and meditation.

        Final thought

        Assisted reproductive technology is one of the most ideal and successful means of increasing the chances of pregnancy. If you have undergone IUI treatment, the tips and tricks are the most significant factor in improving pregnancy chances.
