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      What are the most common risk factors which indicate you have an infertility issue?

      What are the most common risk factors which indicate you have an infertility issue?

      infertility issue

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        In this blog, we have mentioned the common risk factors which indicate that you have an infertility issue:

        • Irregular Menstrual cycle

        When menstruation starts, irregular periods are normal. The body takes time to get used to the changes. During the teenage years, the menstrual cycle will become regular. If the menstrual cycle is not regular then it is considered a red flag because it can also be the reason for ovulation issues.

        Consult the doctor if the cycle is too long or too short, or you do not get a period at all. The irregular menstrual cycle can be due to different causes which include PCOS, low ovarian reserve, following an excessive exercise regime, underweight or overweight, thyroid dysfunction, or any other health-related issue which leads to infertility.

        If you are trying to conceive but your menstrual cycle is not proper then you need to visit the best IVF centre in Punjab right away.

        • Age above 35

        With age, the fertility of both men and women declines. Women who are above the age of 35 are likely to experience the issue of miscarriage and have the congenital disease. Male fertility is impacted by age although it does not do not decrease drastically as women.

        • Light or heavy bleeding & cramps

        Normal bleeding is between 3 to 7 days. However, seek medical help if the bleeding is light or extremely heavy. It can be due to many reasons which lead to the fertility issue:

        • Unusual spotting between the cycle
        • Significant changes in the length of bleeding days.
        • Prominent changes in the length of bleeding heaviness
        • Severe menstrual cramps.


        • Male infertility

        Well, not just women but male fertility is impacted. Mostly, it results in lower sperm count, the inability of the sperm to travel, or sperm shape is not proper. With the sperm analysis, it can be checked if sperm health is proper or not. You need to undergo fertility testing so that you can discover the problem.

        • Weight

        Your weight plays an important role in fertility. Being overweight can make it difficult for you to conceive. Many studies have shown that if you lose 5% to 10% weight then the ovulation for women with obesity can get back on track.

        If you are trying to lose extra weight, whether it is men or women, make sure to seek medical help. The doctor will guide you better on what you should do to increase the chances of conception.

        • Miscarriage rate

        If a woman is experiencing recurrent miscarriage then you need help to get pregnant. It occurs in around 20% of pregnancies. If you have 2 successive miscarriages then you need to consult the doctor right away.

        • History of STIs

        The sexually transmitted disease can also result in infertility. Inflammation and infection from gonorrhea or chlamydia can result in blockage in the fallopian tube. In many cases, it increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy. If not treated on time it leads to pelvic inflammatory disease. Make sure to visit the doctor for regular check-ups and see if there are any problems or not.
