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      What are the topmost tips to select the best fertility clinic near you?

      What are the topmost tips to select the best fertility clinic near you?

      Gem Hospital and IVF centre which offers the High Sucess fertility treatment

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        In the current situation where social distancing, sanitization becomes an important part of life. So selecting a clinic is a difficult job. Not only safety, but there are also numerous things you should consider while choosing an IVF centre in Punjab. In this blog, we will talk about some tips that will be beneficial for you in selecting an IVF center.


        Tip 1: Consider board-certification

        The foremost thing you need to check is whether your fertility doctor has board-certified reproductive endocrinologists. Some practitioners don’t have REIs i.e, reproductive endocrinology, and infertility specialist. You want to achieve the best results, then make sure they have certificates. To become board certified doctors, the fertility expert will complete eleven years of training. So you should consider and check all the credentials.


        Tip 2: Society for assisted reproductive technology

        You should check whether the fertility clinic has all the latest technology in their clinic or not. They should have a SART that will give unbiased information. It also keeps track of pregnancy rates & publishes them on the website. Always remember fertility clinics that are posting their results to SART are trustworthy. Through this, they are providing truth to their current as well as future patients. So you should check whether fertility clinics you are consulting are posting their results on SART.


        Tip 3: Treatment fertility clinic is offering you

        If you are an infertile couple, then don’t panic. You can still get pregnant with the help of in-vitro-fertilization. IVF treatment has a higher success rate. Also, make sure your fertility treatments are offering you numerous treatment options. Let us understand with an example some couples are infertile due to damaged fallopian tubes. Some are due to poor quality of sperms, and more. So, a fertility expert should have numerous treatments available for you that will help you to get pregnant.


        Tip 4: Andrology & Embryology lab 


        Some fertility clinics are so small that they don’t own an andrology and embryology lab. Always remember, the laboratory plays an important role in providing you good news. If a clinic does not have its labs, then consulting another clinic is beneficial for you. They are unable to form an embryo without a lab. So you should check whether the fertility clinic you are consulting has a lab or not.


        Tip 5: Behavior of staff members

        You should also check the behavior of the fertility expert and staff members working in the fertility clinic. You should pay attention to how they are treating other patients. Behavior tells a lot about a person. So you should check whether they are treating you nicely or not. You should also check whether they are providing your detailed information or not.

