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      What are the various types of advanced fertility techniques in India?

      What are the various types of advanced fertility techniques in India?

      What are the various types of advanced fertility techniques in India

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        Advanced Fertility Techniques

        Over the past few decades, fertility techniques have improved a lot. With the advancements, fertility options have become better and it provides increased possibilities to deal with infertility. Visiting the best test tube baby centre in Punjab is like a blessing for couples who are struggling to conceive naturally.

        Most of the couples who visit our IVF centre in Punjab are struggling with infertility for 6 months or more. The inability to hold the pregnancy leads to recurrent miscarriages. However, all thanks to fertility treatment, the childless couple can start a family on their own.

        Types Of Fertility Techniques

        • Assisted Hatching

        What is the reason for embryo implantation failure?

        Normally, the embryo needs to come out from its shell and go to the uterus. The shell is called Zona Pellucida. In some cases, it is too thick and the embryo is not able to come out like normal. Women who are trying at an advanced maternal age, have this problem and it makes it difficult for the embryo to implant on the endometrial lining.

        What is the solution?

        In such cases, the doctor suggests assisted hatching. A small hole is made in the shell before placing it in the uterus. The process is delicate and only the experienced embryologist can carry it. To get favorable results, always choose the best fertility centre.

        • Blastocyst Transfer

        A blastocyst is a technique when the embryo is transferred on the 3rd day following fertilization. The embryo is kept in the lab for an extended time because as it reaches the given stage, the chances of implantation are higher. In addition, the endometrium is highly receptive to the embryo on the 5th day.

        According to the natural cycle, the uterus is also expecting the embryo on the 3rd or 5th day. In case, you are of age 35, then the doctor will recommend you to get a blastocyst transfer. Even in case of a failed IVF cycle, women should get this technique as it increases the chance of success.

        • Endometrial Receptivity Array

        How is this test beneficial?

        ERA test is beneficial to check the embryo when they are in the receptive state. An embryo needs to be implanted at the right time so that it can get attached to the uterus lining. Research has shown that 25% of women have implantation failure as the uterus is not receptive.

        When ERA should be done?

        If your IVF cycle got failed, then you must have an ERA test a few days before the embryo transfer. The test will help to determine the uterine receptivity and give an idea about when is the right time.

        • Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)

        What is the reason behind miscarriage?

        An unhealthy embryo causes miscarriage or implantation failure. In most cases, the problem is due to chromosomal abnormality. In medical terms, it is referred to as Aneuploidy. It means, the chromosome count is not correct in the embryo.

        How PGS is beneficial?

        Through PGS, the doctor can look at the chromosomal count and check whether the embryo can increase the chances of IVF failure. If you are above 37, then PGS is beneficial for you as chromosomal abnormalities are higher after this age.
