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      What are the various ways to get Pregnant Naturally and reduce the risk of fertility issues?

      What are the various ways to get Pregnant Naturally and reduce the risk of fertility issues?

      Ways to get pregnant naturally

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        Gem Hospital and IVF centre: Pregnancy is one of the most critical phases of everyone’s life. But not every couple is so lucky, that they can conceive a baby naturally without any problem. They may suffer from certain fertility issues, due to several causes. If you want to conceive a baby naturally, then you must get help from the best gynecologist in Bathinda, she will tell you what to do to get pregnant without any problem.

        Here are certain tips that you need to follow for natural conception.

        Physical Health

        It is necessary to stay healthy all the time so that you can reduce the risk of several health conditions. If you are obese, then you need to maintain a healthy weight, so that you can get rid of certain problems that make you unable to conceive a baby naturally. Do not think that underweight ladies can conceive a baby naturally because they also have some negative effects on fertility.

        In these conditions, you need to practice certain exercises to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight. You must consult a doctor or talk to an expert to know about exercises that are beneficial for you to get pregnant naturally.

        Apart from this, you also need to avoid the consumption of below-mentioned things including-:

        • Do not take too many medications to

        • quit smoking as soon as possible, because it leads to several fertility issues.

        • You need to limit your alcohol consumption to conceive a baby naturally.

        • Do not try to consume recreational drugs

        • People who are consuming too much caffeine, red meat, and processed food, are at greater risk of having certain fertility issues.

        • Avoid contact with hazardous chemicals.

        If you are taking medicine for any problem, then you must consult it with your specialist, so that you can get knowledge of medicines, which is beneficial for you. A specialist may recommend you some medicines which are beneficial to conceive a baby naturally or reduce the risk of having certain fertility issues.

        A healthy diet

        If you are planning to conceive a baby, then you need to go with a healthy diet full of nutrients and minerals. Here is a list of essential minerals and nutrients, which will surely increase your chances of conception. These are:

        • Water

        • Complex Carbohydrates include vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains

        • Protein

        • Fatty Acids-: Nuts and seeds will help you to increase the chances of conception.

        • Whole Milk

        • Zinc is usually found in peas, eggs, whole grains, onions, and beans.

        • Vitamin B6 such as salmon, soybeans, eggs, peanuts, and bananas.

        • Vitamin C, to get enough vitamin C you need to consume oranges, strawberries, and blueberries.

        • Vitamin E
