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      Is bloating normal after egg retrieval or embryo transfer with the IVF cycle?

      Is bloating normal after egg retrieval or embryo transfer with the IVF cycle?


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        Bloating During IVF Stimulation – Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

        Are you feeling stuffed & bloated during the IVF cycle? OHSS is the expensive response with the medication consumption which is used to make eggs mature during IVF.

        If you have any concerns about the treatment, then ask it first when you visit the best Test tube baby centre in Punjab. In case you are looking for the best IVF centre in Punjab, then you should reach out to our fertility expert for an effective treatment plan.

        What is Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)?

        Females with OHSS have an excess amount of follicles growing in the ovaries along with an increased level of estradiol. Through this, it starts leaking fluid into the belly which leads to nausea, bloating, and abdominal swelling. Around 1 out of 3 women have symptoms of mild OHSS during controlled ovarian stimulation with IVF. The problem is categorized as:

        • Mild OHSS
        • Moderate OHSS
        • Severe OHSS

        What are the symptoms of OHSS?

        Women with mild to moderate OHSS have symptoms of:

        • Mild bloating
        • Weight gain due to fluid
        • Nausea

        Women with severe OHSS usually have:

        • Vomiting & problem to keep down liquids
        • Significant discomfort from abdominal swelling
        • Can develop shortness of breath

        During stimulation, it is normal that you experience mild symptoms. The moderate to severe symptoms usually increase during the 6th to 8th day, once the treatment ends.

        How long do the symptoms last?

        In most cases, the symptoms will resolve within 7 to 10 days following the treatment. Following the IVF cycle, if you conceive, then the symptoms will last for a few weeks.

        Is there any way to prevent OHSS?

        Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome is managed with decreased activity, increasing the intake of electrolyte-rich-fluids, nausea & pain medication, and carefully checking the ovaries through ultrasound.

        Due to pregnancy, the OHSS can get worse or it lasts for longer. Specifically, those who are at increased risk or experiencing the given symptoms need to have all eggs and embryos frozen so that they can be transferred at some other time. By doing so, the problem will resolve quickly. Most importantly, the frequency of the symptoms will not get worse with time.

        Get all the information

        Patients undergoing the IVF cycle should understand the signs of OHSS. They need to know what changes are expected to be seen when you undergo the IVF cycle. In case you are noticing the symptoms then you should consult the doctor right away. Through this, the effective measure to take care of your health can be followed, so that the problem can be managed effectively.

        Wrap up!

        If you are planning to undergo an IVF cycle but are confused about what to do or how to take care of yourself, then you should book your consultation with us. Our fertility expert is having years of experience which will give you peace of mind and you will be at ease when you get the IVF cycle.
