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      Menstrual cramps Or Period Pain Treatment

      Period pain Treatment

      Those 3 to 4 days in a month of every girls’ life are somewhat which most of the girls describe as “Painful days”. Some sort of pain is completely normal which we all describe as cramps. But if these cramps are emerging out to be unendurable, then, in that case, you should consult us for an effective period pain treatment that will aim at giving you instant relief. Menstrual cramps treatment in Punjab (At Gem hospital and IVF Centre) is carried out by vastly experienced doctors who try to get to the root cause of the problem before suggesting the patients with any kind of medications. There are several success stories of the patients who opted for the painful menstrual period’s treatment in Bathinda. One such story is here which we like to mention:

      Success Stories

      Ankita Sharam Bhardwaj After I delivered twin babies, I started to have intensely painful periods. I did not know why I was facing pain in periods. The doctors diagnosed me with secondary dysmenorrhea. To get out of this, I had to take regular medications along with self-care. It was difficult for me as I have to take care of my tiny tots as well. But the team of the Gem hospital and the IVF centre helped me a lot to cope with this issue. They not only treated me, but they also counselled me.Dysmenorrhoea – The Painful periodsWhen it is the kind of pain that you can not endure, then it’s high time that you should seek help from a reputed gynaecologist in your area.Dysmenorrhea is the medical term given to the painful periods, which is divided into two categories as given below:

      Primary Dysmenorrhea Secondary Dysmenorrhea
      When there is no visible cause of the painful periods or you are encountered with pain when it is your first time, then it is known as primary dysmenorrhea. This category of pain is usually deemed as the one which does not require you to be concerned. When it is merely the reproductive disorders that are coming out to be the origin of the pain like the following, then such kind of pain can be considered in the category of secondary dysmenorrhea: Endometriosis and Blocked fallopian tubes


      Does the age factor have something to do with the painful periods?

      According to various researches, women can suffer from both painful periods and irregular periods irrespective of their age.

      Which are the most observed symptoms of dysmenorrhea?

      Some of the noticeable symptoms are:

      • Constant ache in the abdomen, lower back and the whole of the legs.
      • Nauseous feeling
      • Headaches
      • Digestive Problems
      • Tender Breasts
      • Constant swelling in the abdomen

      How is the treatment of the painful periods carried out at Gem Hospital & IVF centre?

      Here are the situations, when you should deem it as the right time to see the gynaecologist in Bathinda.

      If the condition is not serious If the pain is normal but the patient is not able to endure even the minimal pain, then we usually suggest they intake some kind of pain reliever like paracetamol.
      For long term relief If the pain is coming out to be disastrous in every period, then by aiming for long term relief, we recommend the intake of medications that inhibit the prostaglandins. Long term relief without medications can be sought with regular exercise and a watchful diet.
      If cramps are a concern Periodic cramps are normal which every girl goes through during the menstrual days. To get rid of that, our gynaecologist suggests the application of heat with the hot water bottle
      If the patient does not want to have medication treatment In case the patient does not want to take the medication owing to some kind of belief, then they should prefer the bed rest.

      Can irregular periods occur while you are breastfeeding?

      Breastfeeding can lead to no menstruation all which means the chances of ovulation are less for around 6 months.

      Is it a matter of concern when the menstrual cycle is not regular?

      A few irregular periods every year will not lead to any issue. If it is more than that, then it is likely a condition to worry about. In case, you are not taking contraceptives or your age is not near perimenopause or menopause then you have to get medical help. In the case of PCOS with an irregular menstrual cycle, the chances of uterine cancer are higher.

      Can one missed period also be an irregular period?

      In some cases, a missed period can be the sign you are pregnant. So, before worrying about anything it is better to get yourself a pregnancy test.

      If you are wondering is it possible to track ovulation with irregular periods, then you should consult the doctor about the same.

      Are there any treatment options for irregular periods?

      Management and treatment of irregular menstruation problems are possible by consulting the best doctor for your condition. Dr. Neera Gupta will suggest a customized treatment approach to help your menstrual cycle to come back to normal. Just make sure that you stay active, eat healthy food, and do not take the stress.

      Schedule your initial consultation

      If your menstrual cycle is not regular or you want to understand your cycle in a better manner, then schedule your initial consultation with our gynae at the earliest.

      Book An Appointment
