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      What is TESA Treatment?

      TESA stands for Testicular Sperm Aspiration that is performed in order to collect sperm from the males. This technique is beneficial for those who are suffering from low sperm count problems. This is performed in two situations such as-:


      This condition is denoted by a complete absence of sperm during ejaculation and if a person has Azoospermia, then he needs to go for TESA treatment option.


      This condition shows low concentration of sperm cells in males. So, if you are suffering from male infertility problem due to low sperm count, then you must go for TESA treatment in Bathinda. In this technique, your surgeon inserts the needle in the testicles to extract sperms which can be used for ICSIIVF, and IUI treatment. TESA is a process used in ART (Assisted Reproductive Technique). This treatment method is designed for those couples who are suffering from male infertility problem.

      Azoospermia treatment in In Bathinda

      How does the TESA technique work?

      Well, TESA treatment in Punjab is a favourable option for people of the state. It is quite a simple and secure procedure to extract sperm cells from the male testicles. Let’s understand the TESA procedure in detail.

      • First of all, your doctor will give you general/local anesthesia. This is necessary to relax your body for the procedure.
      • After that, a smooth and tiny needle is injected in the testicles with the help of a suction syringe.
      • With the help of a needle, sperm cells and testicular tissues are collected, then both these samples are sent to the clinical lab for testing purposes.
      • In the end, processed sperm cells are washed in the clinical lab, so that you cannot face any problem in conception, due to unhealthy sperm cells. Your doctor will insert only healthy sperm cells into your uterus.

      How a patient feels after getting this TESA procedure?

      • During the procedure, you may feel a little pain during local anesthesia is given.
      • Apart from this, a patient may experience some bruising.
      • It is normal that you experience a small amount of bleeding, but if you experience excessive bleeding, then you must talk to your doctor. Well, you can get knowledge about everything in advance, so that you can handle these situations calmly.
      • You will also notice a small amount of bleeding through the bandage used. It is normal and you can discuss with your doctor how much bleeding you can expect.
      • You must go with prescribed painkillers and antibiotics, in order to reduce the risk of infection.

      Sperm Extraction Procedures

      ICSI stands for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection that is designed for males, who are suffering from male infertility due to low sperm count. The second technique, that is viable for sperm collection is IVF. This is known as In-Vitro Fertilization; this procedure is not only designed for sperm retrieval, but also for female infertility. If you are a female suffering from infertility due to certain factors such as blocked fallopian tubes, ovarian problems, and so on. In addition to this, both these procedures are valuable for the sperm retrieval process.

      Results of TESA

      • Most people get the results within 2-4 days.
      • First, the specialist examines the sperm and testicles tissue sample via a microscope in order to look for any abnormalities.
      • You may not know that sometimes, sperm cells development seems normal, however, when you take the examination, you notice abnormalities. This can be caused due to blockage in the tubular organ known as Vas Deferens which connects the testes to the urethra. In these cases, you need to go through surgery, so that you can get rid of this problem. Surgery can help you become a father without any complication.

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