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      Erectile Dysfunction Treatment In Bathinda, Punjab

      Erectile Dysfunctioning - Male’s Sexual Problem

      Erectile Dysfunction Treatment In Bathinda, Punjab, Whenever it is getting difficult for the males to get excited enough to have an erection or they may get erected once but it becomes difficult for them to maintain it, then it will be categorised as erectile dysfunctioning. This causes disturbance in the sex life of the couples. The males who are not able to satisfy their mating partners gradually come to be known as impotent. But why worry, when Impotence treatment in Punjab is available at a minimal cost package ranging between i.e 5 lakhs to 8 lakhs. Gem Hospital and IVF Centre is applauded for the successful erectile dysfunctioning treatment. To have an idea of how satisfied our patients are, you can read one of our success stories concerning erectile dysfunctioning treatment in Bathinda:

      Harish Chawla: After 3 months of marriage and disturbed sexual life, my wife and I decided to take up impotence treatment from Gem hospital and IVF centre. We were highly impressed with the initial consultation that we decided to proceed with the treatment. Depending on the cause of erectile dysfunction, I was treated within 3 months. The whole credit of my superb sexual life goes to Gem hospital and IVF centre.

      Must Say – “The doctors are Gem, Indeed!”


      If the male is perpetually facing the trouble concerning the following, then they are to be deemed as the symptoms of erectile dysfunctioning:

      • Maintaining Erection
      • Getting Excited
      • Reduction in the sexual desire

      When Should You See The Doctor?

      Whenever you start noticing the common signs of infertility, then you must consider it as the high time to see the doctor:

      • Concerns about the erections
      • If you are diabetic or you have some kind of the heart diseases

      Did you know? Diabetes affects our reproductive and sexual systems in the worst way.

      You are bothered with sexual issues Note: In case, your sexual life is not going well, then the first step towards saving your relationship is to visit the sexologist in Bathinda.

      What Causes You To Suffer From Erectile Dysfunction?

      First of all, to get erect males you have to get sexually aroused which is one of the complex processes. It is triggered by all of the following:

      • Brain
      • Hormones
      • Emotions
      • Nerves
      • Muscles
      • Blood Vessels


      • Performance Pressure: If the male is pressurized to perform well in the sexual act, then they may find it difficult to maintain the erection.
      • Physical Causes: In 80% of the cases, these are the physical causes which create problem in maintaining the erection:
        • Heart Diseases
        • High Cholesterol and BP
        • Diabetes and Obesity
        • Metabolic Syndrome
        • Multiple Sclerosis
        • Parkinson’s and Peyronie’s Disease
        • Alcoholism
        • Low levels of testosterone
        • Sleep Disorders
        • Psychological causes
        • Depression
        • Anxiety
        • Stress
        • Other health conditions

      Risk Factors

      Following are the greatest risk factors for the males to get bothered with erectile dysfunctioning:

      • Progressive age
      • Medical conditions
      • Excessive use of the tobacco
      • Being overweight
      • Injuries
      • Consumption of the various prescribed and the non-prescribed medications
      • Psychological conditions
      • Excessive use of drugs and the alcohol


      If you do not get the problem of erectile dysfunctioning treated on time, then you may become a victim of the following complications:

      • Unsatisfactory sex life
      • Stressful life
      • Feeling Embarrassed
      • Low self esteem
      • Disturbed relationship
      • Not able to make your partner conceive


      You can prevent yourself from getting in the trap of bothersome erectile dysfunctioning conditions:

      • Get proper and timely treatment for the following:
      • Diabetes
      • Heart Diseases
      • Chronic Health Conditions
      • Make sure, you are regularly visiting the doctor for checkups and the other medical screening tests
      • You should maintain a healthy lifestyle by quitting smoking and limiting the use of the alcohol
      • Make sure you are exercising regularly
      • You have to take the necessary steps for the stress reduction

      Visit Us For Effective Treatment!

      We have treated more than 5000+ Cases concerning Erectile dysfunctioning. If you show some faith in us by visiting us for an initial consultation, then we assure you that you will be offered an effective and permanent medical solution for this problem.

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