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      Low Libido

      Loss Of Interest In Sexual Activity

      Loss of libido Treatment In Punjab, Low sexual desire treatment In Bathinda, Sex is one of the crucial elements of a healthy and strong relationship. Both the mating partners should be interested in engaging in an intercourse act with each other. By this, they can maintain a healthy and long-lasting relationship. But what if either or both of the partners lose interest in getting intimate with each other? If you want to work on your relationship, then the first step towards this will be relying on the Low Sexual Desire Treatment in Bathinda.

      Note: In case, you have any other sexual problem like difficulty in satisfying the partner or problem getting excited, then consider visiting the sexologist in Bathinda.

      It’s Common!

      As it is common that the sexual desires of the partners do not match. Same way, it is even more common for either or both the mating partner to lose interest in sex after a time. It is because the libido levels do not remain the same throughout life.

      Causes Of Low Libido In Men

      The men who have visited us to take up the Low sexual desire treatment in Bathinda are found to be the prey of any of the following:

      • Low Levels of Testosterone: It is a vital hormone that is produced only in the bodies of males. The origin of its production is usually testicles. Whenever the levels of testosterone decrease, the interest in sex are also get reduced.
      • Diabetes: Diabetes can affect the reproductive and sexual life of males. So in case, you notice the symptoms of the same at an early stage, then pay attention to it.
      • Medications: Are you consuming certain prescribed or non-prescribed medications? Then also, you may suffer from low libido or decreased sexual desire.
      • Your Partner’s Private Parts Are Not Tempting You: For effective sex and constant interest in sexual life, the female partner needs to maintain hygiene and the emergence of the private parts. To know how you can maintain it, read our blog: How to keep Vagina Healthy?
      • Restless Legs Syndrome: It is a syndrome that does not let you have control over the urge to continuously move your legs. The doctors of Gem Hospital and IVF Centre are of the view that the patients suffering from the RLS can expect themselves to be at the risk of suffering from Erectile dysfunction.
      • Depression: When we are talking about the excitement in the sex or the maintenance of the firm erection to have great sex, then we are taking all the following into account:
        • Nerves
        • Emotions
        • Feelings

        If the person is depressed or is not able to enjoy something, then it is quite natural that he may not be feeling the urge to have sex.

      • Chronic Health Condition: When it is some of the chronic health condition, which is not letting you feel okay, then how can you expect to enjoy the sex or even become interested to have so. Such kinds of conditions may include the following:
        • Type 2 Diabetes
        • Obesity
        • High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

      Final Comments!

      There may be other problems as well, like Sleeping disorders, Low Self esteem, and Stress, which may be held responsible for low libido. At Gem Hospital and IVF Centre, We have treated 5000+ Patients who were leading a disturbed sexual life because of Low Libido. In case, any of the above-mentioned cause is bothering your sex life, your first step should be ‘Visiting Us’.

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