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      ICSI Centre in Bathinda, Punjab

      What is ICSI?

      ICSI Centre in Bathinda, Punjab, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a fertility treatment in which a single sperm is injected into the egg for fertilization by using fine equipment of micro-manipulation. Mostly, ICSI helps in treating the problem of male infertility. At Gem hospital, we encourage the treatment option of standard IVF Treatment instead of ICSI unless specifically there is need of using ICSI Treatment in Punjab.

      What is the procedure of ICSI?

      • Stimulation & Egg Collection: With the help of medication, the ovaries are stimulated which helps in increasing the growth of follicles. The eggs are matured by giving an injection after 8 to 12 days. With a surgical procedure, the eggs are retrieved from the ovaries after 34 to 36 hours. Mild sedation is given to the patient and with ultrasound help, the eggs are retrieved.
      • Sperm Selection: When the eggs are collected, the sperm sample is taken from the partner or with surgery can be taken from the epididymis or testes. In the ART lab, the embryologist will analyze and process the sperm. The sperm of good health and proper movement is selected for the ICSI Treatment in Bathinda.
      • Fertilization: For every mature egg, there is a single sperm which is injected into the egg by a tiny hollow needle. Once this is done, it is kept in the incubator and after 16 to 18 hours fertilization will be checked. For 3 to 5 days, the embryo will be cultured in the laboratory.
      • Embryo Transfer: In the laboratory, the embryo is evaluated very carefully. The embryo which is the finest is selected and transferred to the woman’s reproductive tract.
      • Post Transfer Process: To make the embryo implant process go smoothly medicines are given. After 14 from embryo transfer, a pregnancy test will be done.
      procedure of ICSI

      What is the ICSI Treatment Cost?

      The cost of ICSI Treatment in Punjab is genetally depends on the patient diagnostics reports and what kind of medication he needed with ICSI and consider some other factors also, So if you are troubling in finding cost of the treatment you can visit us or call our ICSI specialist team they will guide you briefly about the treatment and provide you cost estimate for your ICSI treatment.

      Who is ICSI recommended to?

      ICSI is specifically recommended to the couple’s who have been facing the issue of male infertility.

      • Sperm count is very low.
      • Sperm movement is not accurate or it is abnormal in other ways.
      • Sperm retrieval is done surgically with MESA or PESA from the testes or epididymis.
      • Unsuccessful vasectomy reversal.
      • In the semen, a high level of antibodies is present.
      • Fertilization failed by using conventional IVF.

      What is the ICSI treatment success rate?

      Well, the chances of success vary from patient to patient. ICSI is successful for men who have either no sperm when they ejaculate or sperm health is not proper. On average, about 25% of patients will conceive after going through one attempt of ICSI treatment. But, like other factors linked with treatment like age and medical condition will affect the process of fertilization.

      What are the risks associated with ICSI Treatment?

      There is no such evidence that children born with ICSI treatment have birth defects. But there are certain risks.

      • There are slight chances that eggs can get damaged.
      • Boys born with ICSI treatment have a male fertility problem.
      • Neonatal abnormalities chance increase.
      • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
      • Multiple pregnancies.
      • Risks of genetic problems are expected.
      • Embryo failure to grow after fertilization.

      What are the risks associated with ICSI Treatment?

      There is no such evidence that children born with ICSI treatment have birth defects. But there are certain risks.

      • There are slight chances that eggs can get damaged.
      • Boys born with ICSI treatment have a male fertility problem.
      • Neonatal abnormalities chance increase.
      • Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
      • Multiple pregnancies.
      • Risks of genetic problems are expected.
      • Embryo failure to grow after fertilization.

      Book An Appointment

      Want to know more about the treatment then book your appointment with our Gynaecologist.

