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      Irregular Periods Treatment In Punjab

      Irregular Periods Treatment

      Irregular Periods Treatment In Bathinda, Punjab, If your menstrual cycle has the timing and accuracy, then you are definitely at peace of mind. But, Wait! Do you think it happens with everyone? NO! There are many women or young girls out there who don’t have periods regularly or within the 28 to 35-day schedule. Many women are facing the problem of getting their menstrual cycle missed for months. It is important to understand that abnormal periods are also a condition. To understand _what are the causes of the abnormal periods, and what is the best Irregular Periods Treatment In Bathinda you should talk to your gynae.

      If you are one of them who is struggling through this condition, then you should schedule your initial consultation with the best gynae for the Irregular Periods Treatment In Punjab at Gem Hospital and IVF Centre. Dr. Neera Gupta has more than 10 years of experience in this field and she is even a trained IVF expert. Under her supervision, millions of couples have experienced the joy of becoming parents who had lost all their hope due to infertility.

      How common is the condition of irregular periods?

      Pretty common! One of the studies has shown that 33% of women in India face the trouble of irregular menstrual cycle. It is noted that the improper style of living and several health issues can lead to problems. If you are dealing with an irregular menstrual cycle, then you should schedule your initial consultation with us.

      What tells you that your menstrual cycle is irregular?

      Normally, the cycle should be anywhere between 21 to 35 days. So, if you think the cycle should be 28 days then, now you know there is some room for changes in the days. Although, if your menstrual cycle is out of this range, then it is a situation of worry and you have to consult the doctor.

      Do you know how to count the menstrual cycle days?

      You have to start counting the last day of your period and then stop counting when you had your last period.

      What are the reasons for irregular menstrual cycles?

      Well! To start with there are different factors that can affect your menstrual cycle timing and length. This condition likely occurs due to different health issues like:
      ●    PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): This is referred to as a hormonal issue that occurs when adrenal glands or ovaries start producing male hormones in the body and there is a problem of insulin resistance.

      Do you know?

      87% of women experience irregular menstrual cycles due to PCOS.

      ●    Pituitary disorder or thyroid: Hypothyroidism or pituitary disorder is a condition which can trigger problems with your menstrual cycle.

      Do you know?

      44% of women experience irregular menstrual cycles due to thyroid.

      ●    PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease): PID is a condition that leads to female reproductive system inflammation.

      Are there any non-health-related problems that can cause irregular menstrual cycles?

      YES! Some of the conditions are:

      • Perimenopause
      • Stress and anxiety chronic stress
      • Doing extreme exercise
      • Eating disorder, weight loss, or doing an extreme diet
      • Birth control pills
      • Age

      Can irregular periods occur while you are breastfeeding?

      Breastfeeding can lead to no menstruation all which means the chances of ovulation are less for around 6 months.

      Is it a matter of concern when the menstrual cycle is not regular?

      A few irregular periods every year will not lead to any issue. If it is more than that, then it is likely a condition to worry about. In case, you are not taking contraceptives or your age is not near perimenopause or menopause then you have to get medical help. In the case of PCOS with an irregular menstrual cycle, the chances of uterine cancer are higher.

      Can one missed period also be an irregular period?

      In some cases, a missed period can be the sign you are pregnant. So, before worrying about anything it is better to get yourself a pregnancy test. If you are wondering is it possible to track ovulation with irregular periods, then you should consult the doctor about the same.

      Are there any treatment options for irregular periods?

      Management and treatment of irregular menstruation problems are possible by consulting the best doctor for your condition. Dr. Neera Gupta will suggest a customized treatment approach to help your menstrual cycle to come back to normal. Just make sure that you stay active, eat healthy food, and do not take the stress.

      Schedule your initial consultation

      If your menstrual cycle is not regular or you want to understand your cycle in a better manner, then schedule your initial consultation with our gynae at the earliest.

      Book An Appointment
