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      क्या मोटापा बन रहा है इनफर्टिलिटी का कारण, जानिए एक्सपर्ट्स से क्या है उनकी राय

      मोटापे की समस्या पुरे विशव स्तर की समस्या बन गयी है, जिसकी वजह से महिलाओं को कंसीव करने में दिक्कतों का सामना करना पड़ता है | एक आंकड़े के अनुसार भारत में 4.4 करोड़ महिलऐ इस मोटापे का शिकार हुई है, जिससे उनके शरीर में नकारात्मक प्रभाव डालता है और अनेको बिमारियों से भी जूझती […]

      गर्भाशय में कौन सी समस्या बन रही है इनफर्टिलिटी का कारण, जाने डॉक्टरों की क्या है राय

      गर्भावस्था से लेकर डिलीवरी तक गर्भाशय का काफी योगदान रहा है | अगर बच्चेदानी में किसी भी तरह की समस्या हो जाये है तो बेहतर यही है की इस समस्या को नज़रअंदाज़ न करे और डॉक्टर के पास जा कर अच्छे से जाँच करवाए | अगर सही समय पर इलाज न करवाया तो यह समस्या […]

      7 Issues that the females feel shy to discuss with their gynaecologist

      No doubt, every female suffers from the same issues, but still, they feel reluctant to discuss those issues publicly even with the females. This is the main reason that 40% of the infertility cases are not reported and thus not treated. Some people are embarrassed to talk about infertility while some do not raise the […]

      What is Infertility? How and where to treat infertility?

      Every other couple wants to have a family at some point in their life, but in today’s time, everyone wants to settle once, and then they consider having a child their second priority.  They have been working all their life to have a beautiful future with their children. Most couples spend half their life working, […]

      How many injections do I need to get for planning IVF treatment?

      Fertility Treatment – What’s the count of injections for IVF? When you plan for IVF, it’s a whole process that you need to prepare yourself for. When you visit the best IVF Centre in Punjab, the doctor guides you properly in planning the fertility journey and conception through effective means of treatment. Just make sure […]

      Which treatment option is better IVF and ICSI for infertility?

      Which treatment is better between ICSI and IVF? There’s even thought about understanding which treatment option is better for the infertile couple, IVF and ICSI. No doubt, the infertile couple already has thoughts about which choice to go for to improve the overall success rate of the pregnancy journey. And in that case, you should […]

      Experts Explains The New Mother’s Right Way To Breastfeed Your Child

      Most doctors recommend that new mothers feed their children through breastfeeding. It is a natural way of feeding their baby milk. In most situations, the doctor suggests the mother feed the child for the first six months for healthy growth. Even Though it is a natural process, the baby and the mother both take time […]

      Advanced and personalized care by Infertility specialist changes lives

      Infertility care and the best approach The increasing infertility rate poses a lot of stress on the medical fraternity to come up with a solution that’s worth everything. Especially when the concern is extremely common among both males and females, and that’s where it’s essential to get the necessary care and make an informed choice […]

      Ways To Have Conservation Regarding Infertility With Your Partner

      Infertility is a widespread problem many young people often hesitate to discuss. However, it is something that is bothering a lot of people’s personal and sexual life. There are tons of reasons for infertility that range from genetic factors to underlying health conditions such as PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). Regardless of the cause, it can […]
