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      क्या बाँझपन सिर्फ महिलाओं में ही पाया जाता है? मेक उप किस पप्रकार इनफर्टिलिटी कारण है?

      भारत में लघभग तीन करोड़ दम्पत्तियाँ ऐसी है  जो की किसी न किसी कारण के तहत इनफर्टिलिटी से  झूझ रही है| क्या आप सोच सकते है उनका दर्द? जब एक जोड़ा पिछले कई महीनो से बच्चा करने में असमर्थ होता है तो उनके दर्द  की परिभाषा देने के लिए लफ्ज़ कम पड़ जायेंगे |  यदि […]

      7 Issues that the females feel shy to discuss with their gynaecologist

      No doubt, every female suffers from the same issues, but still, they feel reluctant to discuss those issues publicly even with the females. This is the main reason that 40% of the infertility cases are not reported and thus not treated. Some people are embarrassed to talk about infertility while some do not raise the […]

      टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी: प्रक्रिया, खर्चा और कब करवाएं?

      हालांकि पहले टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी का जन्म 1983 में सिंगापुर में हुआ था और आज हम 2023 में जी रहे हैं। और इस दौरान हमने पूरी प्रक्रिया में कई प्रगति की है। अभी भी ऐसे लोग हैं जो इस प्रक्रिया के बारे में सुनिश्चित नहीं हैं या इसमें निवेश नहीं करना चाहते हैं। क्योंकि वे […]

      An Overview Of Different Types Of Medication Before IVF Treatment

      One of the essential parts of treatment for women who have ovulation disorder is medication. It is also an important part of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization). The Working Of IVF Medication Usually, a patient will begin the process of IVF in an IVF Centre in Punjab after taking birth control for several days. Then the […]

      Is test tube baby treatment helpful for infertile couples?

      Infertility is a common concern and requires immediate treatment Infertility is one of the most common concerns in the present time that requires advanced and safe treatment. Most importantly, it’s essential to handle everything under the expertise of the fertility doctor so that the obstacle gets addressed effectively. What you have to do is visit […]

      Is there an ideal time to undergo the test tube baby treatment?

      Sicuro online cialis comprare I governi e le aziende dell’industria farmaceutica dovrebbero sviluppare, le farmacie online dovrebbero essere caute nel obbedire a tutte le leggi della IT per salvaguardare i clienti. Spedizione veloce, ho preso un sacco di cbd e anche il dosaggio giornaliero raccomandato è alto fino a 300 mg, aumentare l’energia e migliorare […]

      Enlighten yourself about the working of test tube baby treatment

      Test Tube Baby Treatment The test tube baby treatment is one of the most inventive methods of assisting couples with difficulty conceiving. The IVF or test tube baby has been in existence for the last so many years. And every year, the method of doing IVF at the reputed IVF centre in Punjab just keeps […]

      7 Major Reasons on, ‘Why do i need to get the test tube baby treatment?’

      ‘What are the reasons I need to get IVF treatment?’ Is this is the question popping in your head 24*7? In that case, you have to get yourself the proper assistance. By visiting one of the best IVF centers in Punjab, the fertility doctor will guide you about everything in detail as to what is […]

      How is the test tube baby and IVF procedure different from each other?

      In some cases, couples cannot get pregnant because of the infertility issue. Well, the reasons for being able to conceive are different, and it depends on the individual case what’s the problem is. Only when you consult the fertility doctor will you know what will be suitable for your situation. One such treatment plan which […]
