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      Why is the ERA test performed for couples with repeated failure of pregnancy?

      In many cases, when a couple tries to conceive they deal with repeated pregnancy failure. You must visit the Best IVF Centre in Punjab to improve your conception chances and better plan for your IVF journey. If you are dealing with this situation, then schedule your initial consultation at our fertility clinic in Bathinda: Gem Hospital […]

      What are the types of surrogacy and what are the steps involved in it?

      Surrogacy in Punjab Every woman dreams of becoming a mother, but sometimes the journey of conception is not that simple and a lot of struggle is experienced. Sometimes unprotected sex might not make it easy because of the infertility issue, which is the key factor of the woman facing the problem to conceive. Visiting the Best […]

      Everything you need to know about IVF for male infertility treatment

      IVF cycle for male infertility Scheduling your initial consultation at the Best IVF Centre in Punjab will make you understand better how Assisted Reproductive Technology can benefit you. At our fertility clinic in Bathinda, many couples have been able to boost their conception chances through the IVF cycle and even in the case of male infertility. […]

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