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      IVF Success Story: Healthy Baby Born After 8 Years Of Marriage

      People who suffer from infertility or are unable to conceive naturally opt for IVF and other Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Using these techniques, Dr. Neera Gupta from Gem IVF Hospital has helped many patients become parents despite their infertility and complications. One such success story is about our patient, Babita.  Babita was unable to conceive […]

      Define in-vitro-fertilization

      There are several reasons that are responsible for infertility in females, and because of infertility, females are not able to become mothers after so many tries. Infertility is not only common in females. Most males are also suffering from infertility. The main reasons for infertility are unhealthy diet plans and poor lifestyle.  Define In-vitro-fertilization In […]

      IVF या टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी ट्रीटमेंट कैसे किया जाता है?

      अंडाशय उत्तेजना आपको 8 से 14 दिन के लिए गोंडोट्रोपिन लेना पड़ेगा और यह आपको मासिक धर्म चक्र (menustral cycle) के करीब लेनी है | इस दवाई की मदद से अंडाशय में कई परिपक्व अंडे बनने शुरू हो जाते हैं | जब आप यह दवाएँ ले रही है तो आपको हर 2 या 3 दिन […]

      What is IVF? What are the steps in the treatment and for whom it is beneficial?

      What is IVF? During IVF, the eggs and sperm are collected from the ovaries & then fertilized in the lab. Once the embryo is formed it is put back to the women’s reproductive tract. When you have made the tough decision to start your own family, you must consult a gynecologist in Punjab. If you […]

      What are the top tips given by couples who have undergone IVF treatment?

      Infertility can affect a person emotionally and physically. The couple who are diagnosed with infertility might be wondering what they should do or what all steps they need to take to deal with the problem. Fortunately, undergoing the IVF treatment will do wonders for the infertile couple. In this blog, we are going to take […]

      IVF Successful Treatment: Parenthood With Nil Sperm Count Patient After 6 Years of Marriage

      Know how our patient with Nil Sperm Count blessed with a baby After 6 Years of Marriage and the couple have been very thankful that they underwent the treatment from Gem Hospital and IVF Centre.

      Inspirational IVF Story: Couple Overcome Unexplained Infertility With Successful IVF Treatment

      Inspirational IVF Success Story: The time was tough but with the doctor’s guidance, we were very positive on every step of the treatment.
