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      How is IVF done step by step?

      How is IVF done step by step?

      How is IVF done step by step

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        At the best IVF centre In Punjab, the fertility expert will perform the procedure IVF procedure in different steps which includes:

        • Suppress your natural menstrual cycle

        This is the first step carried out at the Test tube baby centre in Punjab, to begin with, the IVF cycle.

        • Boost the egg count

        After that, the doctor will suggest certain injections which will boost the egg count. This way it will increase the chances of conception.

        • Egg retrieving

        This procedure is simple and does not result in any pain. In total it takes a few minutes to do it. The doctor will take out 8 to 15 eggs during the procedure for boosting the success rate.

        • Fertilization

        In this method, the egg and sperm are kept together with each other in a controlled environment which improves the success rate. This will result in an embryo that will only be transferred when it reaches the blastocyst stage. This takes around 2 to 5 days.

        • Embryo development & transfer

        Following fertilization, the embryo is formed which is transferred back to the women’s reproductive tract. The embryologist chooses that embryo that is healthy and it should not have any chromosomal abnormality.

        • 2 week wait

        After that, you need to wait for 2 weeks to check for the pregnancy results. You need to wait at the fertility clinic and do a blood test to check for the results.

        How long does IVF take to get pregnant?

        In total, the IVF treatment takes 4 to 6 weeks to complete. When you visit for the consultation, the doctor will tell you when you need to come for the appointment of every procedure.

        What is the best age for IVF?

        One of the recent studies has shown that the ideal age for women to get the IVF cycle is age 40. The woman has higher chances of success of conception at the age of 30. It is better to talk to the doctor about what you should do.

        How many injections do you need for IVF?

        Ideally, a woman needs to take 8 to 10 injections daily or it might be different as per your condition. The doctor will keep checking over your condition to ensure that your body is responding well to the treatment.

        Is IVF procedure painful?

        IVF procedure in itself is not painful at all. It is just the steps that are performed during the IVF cycle. The doctor will guide you in detail on how to carefully manage every step of the treatment for increased conception chances.

        Can you ask for twins with IVF?

        Yes! It is possible to get twins with IVF. for that you should talk to the fertility expert and she will tell you better how many embryos should be transferred.

        Are IVF babies normal?

        IVF babies are normal and healthy. Millions of babies are born with this treatment all over the globe who are able and can talk, walk, eat, and do any other thing like babies born with a normal pregnancy can do.

        How many rounds of IVF is normal?

        Ideally, it is normal to go through around 3 IVF cycles. You should consult your fertility expert and talk about the same for better clarity.

        Can you choose gender with IVF?

        Yes! Preimplantation Genetic Screening is helpful for couples who are planning to conceive through IVF. You should consult your fertility expert to get information on how this procedure is helpful.

        Can IVF work the first time?

        YES! The IVF cycle can be successful in the first go. You just need to follow all the tips and suggestions given by your fertility expert.
