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      Self-care Strategies between Egg Retrieval and Embryo Transfer

      Self-care Strategies between Egg Retrieval and Embryo Transfer

      Embryo Transfer for IVF Procedure - Gem Hospital and IVF centre

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        Punjab: So, you are undergoing IVF treatment or just had the egg retrieval procedure. Well, before the embryo transfer you need to wait for 2 weeks which can seem quite long. No doubt, you have waited long enough to get pregnant and you want to see the results on time. Well, at this time IVF doctor always suggests that you should take proper care. To make things easy for you we have mentioned the self-care tips in this article.

        Rest is very important

        Following the procedure, it is very essential to do proper rest. Preparing for egg retrieval can take a lot of time and it can be intense also. But afterward, you need to rest for 2 days or so.

        The patient will experience cramping and bloating, also there might be light spotting. Along with that physical activity is not allowed for 2 to 3 days after embryo transfer. In case you develop any symptoms like fever, heavy bleeding, red spotting, or pain increases then visit the IVF centre right away.

        Stay positive and be ready for everything

        No doubt, you are very eager to share the news with everybody but it is wise to share it with a few people only. When everyone will ask you what is the update it can be quite stressful to tell what is going on. In case if something is not well then letting everyone know what happened can be emotionally draining. So, make sure you are ready for every situation.

        Take help

        As we have said the treatment can be emotional so it is best to seek the help of a counselor or join a support group. You can share with them what you are going through and what emotions you are having at that time.

        Take it slow

        Keep on moving but take it easy. There is no need to get into intense workouts, instead, opt for gentle yoga or long walks.

        Do not stress yourself

        You might hear distract yourself but not at the cost of taking new projects or taking into account new challenges. You should take off from work immediately so that your mind does not stress. Your mental health needs to be your priority. There is nothing wrong to stay home if you have a fever, feeling anxious or stressed.

        Enjoy your time

        If you want to go out and have fun do it. You can go around the museum if you want to or buy yourself your favorite book. Do not stress yourself with your daily routine.

        Take a break from social media

        When you see someone’s highlight on social media it can stress you. So, you should stay away from social media for a time. Take a break and meet very few people in person.


        This is the best time to practice mindfulness, prayer, or meditate. This way the negative thoughts will not cross your minds and you will stay positive.


