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      Is it true that babies born with IVF treatment are healthy as normal babies?

      Is it true that babies born with IVF treatment are healthy as normal babies?

      Are IVF babies healthy like a normal baby

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        With technological advancement, it has helped many childless couples to experience the joy of parenthood. No doubt, many questions have also arisen regarding its credibility and whether the procedure is safe to undergo.

        Many people have a question in their mind regarding culturing a life in the laboratory with IVF instead of leaving everything to happen naturally. This makes people wonder whether IVF baby is as healthy as a normal baby you are conceived naturally. In this article, we are going to address this issue and make sure you clear your doubts with the IVF doctor as they are the best person to guide you on everything.

        IVF V/s Conceiving Naturally

        • Well, to start with, let’s compare the natural conception and conceiving with IVF. With the fallopian tube the fertilization of egg and sperm happens, the same happens in the IVF centre lab in which both egg and sperm are cultured.
        • After that embryo is formed which travels to the uterus which results in pregnancy. On the other hand, the embryo is prepared in the lab in IVF and then it is transferred into the uterus for implantation.

        Keep in mind that there is no particular difference between both methods. Logically, there is no way IVF baby health will be at risk if they are not conceived naturally. 

        Are IVF babies at more health risk?

        • In certain cases, studies have been done and depending on the patient’s case it can lead to certain complications like premature birth, low birth weight, and neonatal deaths. This is the reason, the IVF procedure in every case is given according to the patient’s problem. But does it mean that the procedure itself increase these risks or not?
        • Studies believe that factors of female or male infertility and factor of age are the reason the health risk is triggered in IVF babies, not the treatment.
        • In many cases, multiple births are higher when the patient chooses to transfer multiple embryos to maximize pregnancy chances.


        Consider these things

        Millions of babies are born with IVF and they are healthy in mind and body. Certain IVF protocols help in ensuring that the baby’s health will be proper. The patient can opt for pre-implantation embryo screening which helps in selecting the embryo which is of good health and eliminate the ones which have a congenital defect so that in the future no problem is caused.

        Make sure that you talk with a fertility doctor and understand the procedure in detail so that you aware of the possible complications and they will help you manage them in the right way.
