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      4 Things to be considered before hiring a Surrogate Mother

      4 Things to be considered before hiring a Surrogate Mother

      Egg donation centre in Punjab

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        Surrogacy is one of the procedures that is believed to be a blessing in disguise. It has helped many of the females to not let their in-capabilities to hold the baby hinder their joy of having a biological baby.

        Get clear about the procedure with the help of an instance:

        Imagine a situation, in which you and your husband visit the fertility experts of IVF Centre in Punjab to find out the reason for not conceiving. And when it comes out to be the inability of holding the baby in the uterus, then do couples have any other way to have a baby?

        Earlier before Surrogacy came into being, it seemed like there were no hopes left. But no sooner than surrogacy came into being, than it gave hope of the light to the infertile couples.

        If your female partner is not able to hold the baby in her uterus there is no need to worry since you can hire a surrogate. A surrogate mother is a female who nourishes your biological child (embryo made from the sperm and the eggs of the biological parents) in her womb until the baby is delivered.

        Note: If you are interested in undergoing the surrogacy technique, then kindly visit us or you can consult us telephonically on this number:

        Call us: +91 98723 44833

        Do not worry about the effectiveness of the treatment. Gem Hospital and IVF Centre, being the best fertility clinic in Bathinda will help you out with the best treatment.

        4 Considerations About a Surrogate

        Age should not be more than 40 years

        Usually, it is said that the age of the ideal surrogate mother lies between 21 to 40 years. But at Gem Hospital and the IVF Centre, we consider only 27 as the age bar for being a successful surrogate mother.

        It is not only the age that is taken into account while choosing a surrogate mother. Along with that, the BMI must also be checked.

        The fertility experts of the Gem Hospital and IVF Centre are considering taking up the full body checkup which will also include the following checkups:

        • Hypertension
        • Preeclampsia

        Health History should be cleaned

        The health history and the medical background of the surrogate mother should be ideal enough for the doctor to state that the baby is safe in her womb.

        If she is not a first-time surrogate, then make sure to have a close look at the case studies of the previous deliveries.

        She must be willing

        Once you have picked up the surrogate, you must know that she is willing to undergo the procedure and is not forced by someone. Since a mother who is willing to be a part of surrogacy will prove to be the contributor to a successful pregnancy.

        She should have love in her heart

        Ask the surrogate if she could give the baby to be born the same love and care as the biological mother gives. Because a baby does not only get nourished with what you eat. Rather he needs the love and the care for the same.
