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      Everything you need to know about the blastocyst transfer procedure

      Everything you need to know about the blastocyst transfer procedure

      Guide on Blastocyst Transfer

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        Blastocyst Transfer: Important part of the IVF cycle

        The term blastocyst means human embryos that are 5 to 6 days old after fertilization. On the 3rd day of IVF, the embryos are transferred back to the uterus. To boost the success of embryo transfer doctors consider different factors. The embryo needs to reach the blastocyst stage to ensure successful conception happens. When you visit one of the best IVF centre in Punjab the doctor will keep the given factor in mind and accordingly proceed further with everything.

        Blastocyst structure needs proper understanding

        The blastocyst transfer needs better understanding. There are different cells present that divide rapidly. At the top-rated Blastocyst Culture Centre in Bathinda, the procedure happens with proper safety measures and the right approach. Cell division happens in 2 types includes:

        • Inner cells

        The inner cells help in fetus generation

        • Trophectoderm

        Helps in the implantation of the uterine lining

        Following ovulation, the egg from the ovary gets fertilized and the embryo gets divided. Then it goes back to the fallopian tube and it reaches the uterus & takes the blastocyst form.

        Even if you are undergoing sperm extraction at the TESA Centre in Punjab the doctor will suggest you take the benefit of blastocyst embryo transfer to ensure the procedure get’s done successfully. 

        Blastocyst stage: What does it look like?

        When the embryo is looked at under a microscope the difference is noticeable when compared to the 3rd day. The inner part contains a cavity with a fluid called the blastocoel. Additional area is inner cells that have proper cell collection to form the fetus. Lastly, the blastocyst part takes the form of the placenta.

        Benefit of Blastocyst Embryo Transfer

        The procedure of blastocyst embryo transfer makes implantation better and more successful as compared to normal. Normally, the embryo gets transferred to the fallopian tube and on the 2nd day reaches the uterus. The doctor will place the embryo in the womb on the 5th or 6th day to help the procedure have higher success chances. For better results, genetic testing helps to make accurate decisions. 

        Is blastocyst ideal for all IVF patients?

        The choice of blastocyst embryo transfer depends on several factors like:

        • Medical history
        • Age
        • Amount
        • Embryo quality
        • Other factors

        When you visit for an initial consultation, he will check all the possible factors and guide you toward the most appropriate choice. Most importantly, the right diagnosis helps you lead towards the right treatment plan.

        I had a failed IVF cycle. Can I undergo the blastocyst embryo transfer?

        YES! There’s no such thing that you cannot undergo blastocyst embryo transfer if you have a failed IVF. together with your IVF specialist, you will get a better understanding of what suits your condition the best and the ideal time to transfer the embryos.

