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      What all you need to know about if you are trying to conceive after 40?

      What all you need to know about if you are trying to conceive after 40?


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        One of the research has shown that at the age of 40 to 44, women experience infertility. No doubt, as the women become older the chances of natural pregnancy are reduced. Female infertility is common all over the world. If you are trying to get pregnant after 40, then make sure to consult the best fertility expert at the IVF centre in Punjab.


        Fertility treatment after 40

        Research has shown that after the age of 40, the chances of natural conception decreases. Fortunately, fertility treatment is of great help when you are trying to conceive at the age of 40. With IVF, many women can get pregnant despite the odds. No doubt, the chances of conception at the age of 35 are less as compared to when you are 40 with IVF. Just make sure that you consult the best fertility expert to increase the conception chances to a great extent.

        In such cases, the IVF with donor eggs encourages success chances. However, you decide to make whether you need to use the donor eggs or not.


        Pregnancy After 40

        It is important to keep in mind that to make the best choice and understand your fertility properly you should consult a fertility expert. If you try to get pregnant after 35, then you need to make the final choice carefully. Understand the possible complications and factors besides the age & then determine what needs to be done. No doubt, the technology has improved a lot and the patient’s overall health is examined in a better way no matter at what age you are trying.

        At our IVF centre, we ensure that the patient gets the best care and understanding while getting fertility treatment. Throughout the treatment journey, the fertility expert will be there to tell you what needs to be done.


        Benefits of Having a Baby After 40

        • At this age, you are emotionally prepared. In simple terms, they feel more settled in their life. You are also prepared to go through the life ups and downs of birth, pregnancy, and child-rearing.
        • You will have more financial stability. At this point, you will not be worried about raising a child or you will not be overwhelmed on how to manage the situation. As compared to the younger age, you have better control to judge the situation & how to take each step carefully.
        • You are more ready to focus on family. You have travelled, completed your education, and formed a long-lasting relationship at your comfort. It means now you are more focused on managing the family and taking care of your kids.


        When you should consult the doctor?

        The doctor will also do the blood test to check the AMH and FSH levels. The ultrasound is going to check the fertility level.
