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      What are the New & Improved Technologies in IVF for Better results 2021?

      What are the New & Improved Technologies in IVF for Better results 2021?

      Emerging Technologies of IVF Treatment Punjab

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        Nowadays, numerous married couples experience the harmful effects of Infertility. Due to this, lots of women unable to become pregnant. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) also produces best-rated results effectively. Future technologies can rectify every problem of couples and helps them to have a healthy baby. 

        People can search or find the best IVF centre in Punjab for excellent results.

        Emerging technologies in the IVF Treatment:

        • Cult Active

        Cult active is an emerging method that is used in the IVF. This treatment is best suited for those patients who have a smaller amount of fertilized egg cells. It is performed for the betterment of the woman’s body. Furthermore, an oocyte activation is initiated by the level of protein contained in the sperm. A fast increase in intracellular concentration of calcium during egg activation. After ICSI procedure, properly fertilized eggs are then placed in the medium of Cult active for 15 Minutes which is very beneficial for egg activation. Thus, calcium ionosphere involved in the medium that effectively connects the calcium ions.

        • EmbryoGen

        This emerging technology is the newly introduced in IVF and the composition of it has signal molecules that are often found in the mother’s tissue. These molecules effectively improve the overall cell communication level between the embryo and mother. It also protects the embryo from harmful stress and makes it strong.

        • Embryo Glue

        It is a well-designed method to track the usage in the embryo transfer process which further enhances the implantation capabilities of the embryo. Moreover, this treatment is highly enriched with Carbs, Hydraulic acid and Amino acids which work together during embryo implantation in the uterus of a woman. In scientific research, it has been found that hydraulic acid is a common substance that is present in a human body. The study also concludes that during embryo implantation, the level of hydraulic acid is very high which can make better implantation.

        • PICSI (Detailed Sperm selection technique)

        This technique is one of the reliable ones to produce the best results during the IVF cycle. The term ICSI stands for Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injections and in which a single injection of sperm is injected into the cytoplasm of an egg. The need for this technique is just a single sperm of best morphology. To choose a single sperm, visual evaluation is the best-rated solution for egg insemination. Most of the doctors often deal with several immature sperm cells. Using the PICSI technique effectively delivers suitable results. This technique also improves the overall selection of sperm cells by 98%. Sperms are placed into hydraulic acid which will attach further to the mature sperm cells.
