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      Third-Party Reproduction Treatment Options

      Third-Party Reproduction Treatment Options

      egg donation

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        Are you planning to conceive? But, this journey does not seem that easy for you. After trying for 6 months to 1 year, when you decided to consult the doctor you came to know that you are diagnosed with “INFERTILITY”. Basically, through the 3rd party reproduction treatment, you will have increased success chances. This is the reason, you have to schedule your consultation at one of the leading IVF Centre in Punjab. Depending on what problem you have the doctor will give you the necessary treatment option. The treatment option which you will have to boost your success chances is mentioned in this blog.

         Donor Egg

        In medical terms, it is also known as a gamete donation which means egg or sperm cells. The doctor will guide you towards the egg donation procedure. The donor might be anonymous or someone in your known. No doubt, the considerations are different for everyone so you better have clarity over everything once you consult the fertility doctor.

         Why donor eggs?

        Well! This option is suggested for women diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve or when the eggs are not of the desired quality.

         Proper research for egg donation

        You have to do enough research for egg donation and in this case, the fertility doctor at the best IVF centre in Bathinda will guide you towards the right approach. Moreover, egg donation has emerged a lot in the last few years. Apart from the women with diminished ovarian reserve, in the following cases it can be suggested:

             Women are not responding to the medications given for ovarian stimulation

             Advanced reproductive age

             Continuous failed IVF cycle

         Properly evaluating the egg donor

        Well! It is up to you whether you want the anonymous donor or someone in your known. Moreover, certain guidelines need to be fulfilled by the egg donor as there is an age criterion for the same. Apart from the age, they need to give consent for the same that they are all ready to get done.

        In case, you want to ask someone in your known to get this done than better get ask them about the same. Choosing this option will give you peace of mind that you know the person in & out.

         IVF treatment cost with Donor Egg

        On average, the Test tube baby cost around Rs 50,000. Additionally, when the egg donor option is there then it is around Rs 12000. Well! This is just an average figure and to know better about the actual amount you should consult the doctor. 
