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      What is polycystic ovary syndrome and what are the symptoms of it?

      What is polycystic ovary syndrome and what are the symptoms of it?

      What is polycystic ovary syndrome and what are the symptoms of it

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        There are many problems women experience which causes infertility such as PCOS, less quality of the egg, stress, damaged fallopian tube and much more. There are many reasons but we are going to dive into PCOS. We will talk about what is PCOS, symptoms and so on in detail.

        If you are experiencing any type of infertility problem, then you should consult the fertility expert in IVF centre in Punjab.

        What is PCOS?

        PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome is a common problem women experience due to many reasons. It is a hormonal problem in which women are going to experience irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles or produce male hormones such as androgen. The ovaries won’t be able to release the eggs and that’s why women won’t be able to conceive. But hardly people talk about it. Some people come to know that they are having PCOS when they won’t be able to conceive naturally and meet fertility experts.

        What are the symptoms of PCOS?

        Some symptoms will tell you that you are experiencing PCOS that are mentioned below:

        • The women experience irregularity in periods or missing the periods.
        • The women won’t be able to conceive naturally.
        • The women see that there is excess growth of hair on chin, chest, face, buttocks.
        • Women increase weight.
        • The women also experience thinning of hair.
        • The women will be having oily skin.
        • She will also have acne on the skin.

        Other health problems

        Do you know if you are experiencing PCOS, then there are chances of you suffering from other health problems that are mentioned below:


        • Depression
        • Type 2 Diabetes
        • High Blood pressure


        Some facts about PCOS


        Birth control pills

        These pills are used to control the PCOS. Women should take birth control pills to get periods because it helps you to keep ovaries at standstill.


        What will happen if PCOS remains untreated?

        If you will ignore the PCOS problem, then you will put yourself in danger. If you left PCOS untreated, then you are going to experience endometrial cancer. So if you are experiencing irregularity in periods consult the doctor as soon as possible.


        Different traits of PCOS

        One of the research found out that women having PCOS are going to face 3 common symptoms. But some women experience an increase in weight whereas some women will decrease weight. So without any delay, you should consult the doctor for the treatment.


        How will PCOS be diagnosed?

        The doctor first does a transvaginal ultrasound to test the hormone level. The doctor will check the string of pearls on the ovaries of the patient and tell you whether you will be able to get pregnant naturally or not. If it is found out that you won’t be able to get pregnant, then don’t lose hope. Many treatments will help you in getting pregnant. Among all IVF i.e. in vitro fertilization is gaining popularity among the people.

