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      How PCOS affects fertility? What are the fertility treatment options for PCOS?

      How PCOS affects fertility? What are the fertility treatment options for PCOS?

      PCOS fertility treatment

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        PCOS (polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is the result of hormonal imbalance in women. This condition is likely to impact the ovaries and is one of the major reasons behind infertility. The research has shown that its prevalence rate is around 5% to 13%. Although this condition is treatable when you consult the doctor on time. In case you are diagnosed with PCOS and struggling to conceive then you need to visit the best IVF Centre in Punjab. In most cases, the doctor suggests the patient get a test tube baby as its success rate is extremely high. Even the Test tube baby cost is highly affordable in India as compared to any other developed nation.

        How PCOS impacts Fertility?
        As we have mentioned above this condition impact the hormonal balance which can trigger:
        • Excess production of androgen in the body
        • The build-up of painless and fluid-filled sac in the ovaries
        • Ovaries outer shell becomes thick
        • High-level insulin is formed in the blood

        What are the symptoms of PCOS?
        • Excess hair growth on the face or any other body part
        • Severe acne or oily skin all of a sudden
        • Skin tags on the armpits and neck
        • Thin hair on the scalp
        • Extreme weight gain

        What are the fertility treatment options for PCOS?
        Currently, there is no such treatment for this problem. Usually, the doctor will suggest correcting the ovulation issue and tackle the problem of insulin resistance. Some of the options which can make a difference in your condition are:

        • Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)
        It is referred to as an ovulatory stimulant that helps in blocking the estrogen to the brain. You need to take this once a day for at least 5 days when your period starts. Make sure that you take the mount as prescribed by the doctor.

        • Letrozole
        It is given to patients with breast cancer and to start ovulation in women diagnosed with PCOS. With the FSH production is increased in the body which results in ovulation.

        • Metformin
        Although it is not the first choice sometimes it can be used to start the regular periods & ovulation.

        • Gonadotrophins
        These are a type of injectable hormone which helps in ovulation. Before you take these you need to consult the doctor to understand how you are responding to them.

        • Surgery
        In severe cases or when a woman does not respond to medications, then surgery is suggested. The doctor will recommend you to get laparoscopic ovarian drilling. However, this surgery is not in practice because the results do not last for a long time.

        Are there any alternative options?
        Following a healthy diet and proper lifestyle is extremely important with this condition. Your focus should be on having a low carb and low-calorie diet. In addition, you should practice daily for around 30 minutes and at least 3 times every week. Make sure that you stick to the routine and you will see a difference.

        Is IVF suggested to PCOS patients?
        As we have mentioned above, in many cases IVF (test tube baby) is the preferred choice. In case other treatment options do not work then the doctor will suggest a surgical approach. For further information, talk to the doctor.
