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      All That You Need To Know About IVF Treatment With Embryo Donation

      All That You Need To Know About IVF Treatment With Embryo Donation

      IVF Procedure With Donor Embryo

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        IVF With Donor Embryo

        It is basically a transformation of an embryo coming from the male and female gamete. The doctor does not take the embryo from the partner or the patient in IVF with donor Embryo donation. There are also many people who denote it as a third-party reproductive system.

        When Would You Require A Donor Embryo?

        These are some common situations in which you would require to opt for IVF with embryo donation in an Embryo donation Centre in Punjab.

        1. Gonadal dysgenesis: It is a development of a defective embryonic gonad in a male or female.
        2. Women who have an iatrogenic ovarian failure or premature ovarian failure. It basically happens due to ovarian surgery or radiation. Apart from that, the poor response to ovarian stimulation and the man suffers from a severe disturbance in the production of the gamete.
        3. Couples with a hereditary health condition, which they are worried would pass down to their child, can also opt for this technique in the IVF centre in Punjab.
        4. Women who have reached their menopause with male factor infertility.

        What Is The Procedure Of IVF Treatment With Embryo Donation?

        In this procedure, the Best IVF Doctor in Bathinda enables either fresh embryos that the donor sperms or donor eggs explicitly created for the primary purposes of donation or cryopreserved embryos that the donor or couples who are undergoing the fertility treatment have previously created. They are then transferred to the recipient in order to attain pregnancy.

        What Are The Following Steps It Involves?

        These are the following steps that the procedure of IVF with an embryo donor involves :

        Step #1: Evaluation of the recipient

        Step #2: Evaluation and selection of the donor

        Step #3: Counseling of the patient couple and the donor

        Step #4: Consents of both the party (recipients and donor)

        Step #5: Controlled ovarian stimulation of egg donor

        Step #6: Oocyte retrieval of egg donor

        Step #7: Endometrial preparation of the recipient

        Step #8: Invitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo development

        Step #9: embryo transfer to the embryo

        Step #10: Pregnancy test

        Factors That Increases The Success Of The Process

        These are some common factors that might determine the success of the whole process. We have included both the aspects related to the recipients and the donor for better understanding.

        • Factors of the recipient couples
        1. Age: age plays a significant role in the success of the pregnancy via IVF. So women younger than 40 have a higher chance of success in implantation and pregnancy rates.
        1. Endometrial Thickness: the thickness of the endometrial is greater than 7mm favors better implantation and success rates.
        1. The quality of the embryo: the best way to increase the chances of positive pregnancy is to select the high-grade embryo via medical technology while extracting them for the IVF treatment.
        1. High BMI: having a higher BMI in the body might have some negative impact on the pregnancy success rate.
        • Factors of donor
        1. Age: 21 to 34 years old have a higher success rate.
        1. The number of mature oocytes: The doctor retrieved a higher live birth rate with a higher number of mature oocytes.

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