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      What is the relation between AMH and Endometriosis condition?

      What is the relation between AMH and Endometriosis condition?

      Connection between AMH and Endometriosis - Gem Hospital and IVF centre

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        Gem Hospital and IVF centre PunjabAMH (anti-mullerian hormone) & Endometriosis: Many women all over the world suffer from the problem of Endometriosis condition which can also affect a woman’s ability to conceive and here we briefly explained the relation between AMH and Endometriosis.

        What is the reason behind Endometriosis and its symptoms?

        Endometriosis is a common condition in which the tissue which lines the womb is present outside its area. This can be in the ovaries or fallopian tubes though it is found in the bladder, liver, brain, lung, and colon. But, still, the main causes behind this condition are not known. It can occur due to immune dysfunction, retrograde menstruation, or environmental factors.

        Symptoms in this condition can be different in every case. But in particular, it includes sickness, diarrhea, lower back, during menstruation blood in the urine, or tummy pain.

        How does fertility get affected due to Endometriosis?

        Endometriosis is the problem when the menstrual blood is not able to exit the body. This can lead to inflammation and scar tissue buildup which can damage the ovaries or fallopian tube. This condition can even make it difficult for women to conceive. If you are facing a problem then you should seek the help of the doctor at the best fertility clinic for treatment of test-tube baby in Punjab.

        Endometriosis and AMH Level: Will fertility get affected by it?

        Many patients worry that will endometriosis condition will result in a low level of AMH. Some studies have revealed that there is a relation between the two but more research still needs to be done.

        Testing AMH Level

        The AMH test helps in knowing the ovarian reserve and it is assessed with AMH blood test. The test can be done at any point in the menstrual cycle and combined with antral follicle count for better results.

        If you are facing trouble conceiving then you should seek the help of the doctor to get the AMH test.

        Will IVF be successful for patients with Endometriosis?

        If you are suffering from endometriosis and facing problem conceiving then consult the doctor for the best treatment option. Well, chances can be improved when women undergo IVF treatment.

        What are other fertility treatments available and do they affect endometriosis?

        • The right treatment option will depend on different factors like age, ovarian reserve, and for how long you have been trying to get pregnant. Along with that endometriosis, the factor is also essential.
        • The patient should take the fertility drug as it can sometimes make the womb lining to develop in a better manner.
        • To get a mild response the option of mild and natural treatment is best with few fertility drugs. The best part is that the side effects are less and also it is safe for children.

